Excerpt: Don't Dare the Reaper by Leigh Ellwood

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Sue couldn't mistake the look of longing in the Reaper's eyes. She glanced at Cal and realized he'd noticed it, too.

Damn. He had to be good-looking, too. Right after their heart to heart about too many bodies crowding the bed.

She turned away, trying not to watch the Reaper lick his lips. "Can you tell us why it feels now like our bodies are functioning like when we were alive?" she asked. "We didn't have beating 'hearts' earlier."

"Yes, actually that's a good sign, depending on your definition of good," Gil said, and Sue chanced another glance at him. The Reaper, while he hadn't appeared fazed by their nudity earlier, now looked as though he viewed them with new eyes. She followed what she surmised was an appreciative gaze at her husband's erection.

Cal stroked the small of her back, sending chills up her spine. A fleeting vision of Gil's mouth pursed around one of her nipples while Cal took her from behind faded as quickly as she conjured it. The vision distracted her enough to require Gil to repeat his revelation to them.

"I said it's not yet time to die, for either of you," he said. "The reason you're feeling more, ah...complete is because you're slowly regaining your life force."

"How long before we're back?" Cal asked.

Gil shrugged. "I can send you back right this second, it's just..."

Sue arched an eyebrow.

"...when you return you're both going to be roughed up rather badly. It could be a while before you're able to resume the level of sexual activity you're used to."

"So, you're giving us time to finish, is what you're saying," Cal finished the thought.

"You've had one hell of a night, no pun intended." Gil smiled. "You're entitled to some pleasure."


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2016 ⏰

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