Excerpt: Snowbound by Tara Quan

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He lifted his head. Downy puffs decorated his short-cropped ebony hair and dappled his five o' clock shadow. Two white clumps capped the tips of his ears. Shaking his head and shoulders, he launched icy debris in all directions.

A suppressed guffaw erupted through her nose.

"That," he hissed, "wasn't funny." Vise-like fingers closed over her ankle and sent a shiver down her spine. He yanked her leg, toppling her off-balance. The impact as she hit the ground knocked air from her lungs. Before she could react, he'd climbed on top. His hands pinned her wrists; his knees imprisoned her thighs. His heaving chest filled her vision, blocking out the night sky.

"Nope." A stray tear of mirth trickled down her temple. "Not at all."

His cheeks darkened from its usual café au lait to a bitter espresso. He tightened his grip. "You'll pay for that."

"Oh yeah?" A small boulder of snow crashed into his side, liberating her from the human cage. As they both rose to their haunches, her gaze drifted to the lines of tensed muscle defining his neck and arms, the erratic rise and fall of his pecs under the stretched cotton. Her cheeks heated, her abs tensing as yearning morphed into anticipation.

Pure night bled from his pupils, filling irises already streaked by lines of amber. She took a halting step back, followed by another. Leaking power, he glowered at her, silent and unmoving. Arousal coiled in the pit of her stomach. He stood poised to hunt, and part of her wanted to get caught.


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