Time to Decorate

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Lucas POV

I woke up to my phone buzzing. I yawned and blinked a couple of times. I rolled over and saw that it was just my EPSN app telling me that the Giants Football team just beat the Colts. I looked at the time and saw that me and Riley have been asleep for three hours. Its 7:23 P.M. I rolled over to look at my sleeping Queen. I couldn't help but smile at her. I kissed her nose lightly and her eyes fluttered open.

"Hi there." I whispered.

"Hi." She said closing her eyes again.

"Did you want to go shopping?" I asked sitting up.

"Yes, but I want to sleep." She said resting her hands on her small baby bump. I smiled at my family.

"Do you want me to go shopping?" I asked.

"No I want to go." She said sitting up, eyes still closed. I leaned in and connected our lips. She immediately kissed back. She grabbed the collar of my shirt and pulled me closer. I pulled away in shock. My eyes wide.

"Sorry, hormones." She confessed.

"Don't apologize. I like it too." I smirked at her. She blushed and got up. "Wait." I said as she freezes. I quickly grabbed my phone and took a picture of her. She was standing to the side so I could see her baby bump. "Ok." I said making it my screen saver. She was looking down at her stomach with a smile. I smiled at the picture and got up.

Meeting her in the bathroom to brush my teeth. She looked at me while doing her hair.

"Would I look trashy if I wore like jeans and one of your shirts, with my hair in a ponytail?" She asked.

"No, I think you would look hot." I admitted.

"Ok." She said walking to change. I finished brushing my teeth and went back to the bedroom. She was trying to reach something in the closet. I reached over her and grabbed it. I handed her the box. She set it on the bed and opened it.

"What is that?" I curiously asked.

"My box of jackets." She answered. "I can't find one that fits."

I walked to the closet and grabbed one of mine. I put it on top of everything in the box. She looked up at me.

"Really? I feel like I am stealing all of your clothes." She said defeated. She sat down. I walked up to her and kneeled in front of her.

"Babe in all honesty I love it when you wear my clothes. It makes me feel like you feel comfortable with me, and my things." I said taking her hands.

"Of course I'm comfortable with you and your things. I love you and your things." She said smiling.

"Now can you tell me what's wrong so I can fix it." I asked.

"I feel fat."

"You are not fat. You are pregnant. You have a baby in there. My baby in there. Your baby in there. Our baby in there." I said pointing at her stomach.

"Yeah but I can't fit in my clothes."

"Which means we get to do your favorite thing, shopping." I said. "Your clothes aren't met to fit our Princess too." I quickly answered.

"Ok." She said with a small smile. I helped her up and took her to the car, grabbing my keys and wallet along the way. The ride to the store was fun. We sang and made jokes. It was the best mood she has been in a long time. I miss this Riley. Walking into the store we were both really excited.

"So Princess themed?" She asked grabbing a cart.

"If that's what you want." I answered. We started for the baby aisle getting some odd stares along the way. As we were walking buy the camera I made eye contact with someone I wished wasn't here.

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