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Harry's POV


As soon as I got back to mine and Louis' shared flat, I went straight to my bed and slept. And slept. And slept. And slept.

When I woke up I could hear the rain roughly slamming against my bedroom window and muffled sounds coming from the hallway just outside my door. I rolled over pushing the puffy white blankets filled with baby birds away from my face. I reached for my phone, turning it on. The brightness was blinding so I had to quickly turn it down while squinting. When my eyes finally adjusted I looked at the time 1:39 AM. I set it back down and moved to get out of of the bed. When I stood up I realized I had been too tired to change, and still had the plane clothes on. Its was just my black jeans and my red flannel button up with a 'kiss' t-shirt underneath. I noticed my brown jacket laying on the floor as I walked to my door my boots were beside it, the left on laying on its side and the right all up and proper. I turned the door handle and was met with the sound of Louis coughing and groaning. I followed the sounds to the bathroom and knocked on the white door.


There was a small whimper.

"Its alright if I come in, yeah?"

I heard a weak 'yes' and turned the knob. The smell of puke strolled into my nostrils before I could decline, there was Louis sitting next to the toilet, softly coughing and rubbing his eyes. I crouched beside him, pulling his hand away from his head so I could hold it.

"You sick?" I asked and Louis coughed before nodding his head. "I keep telling you to stop eating that airplane food, no matter how good it looks." I lightly scolded him.

"I know. Still tasted fucking great." Louis gave me a small smile before jerking his entire body to face the toilet and leaning over it, emptying his stomach again. I rubbed circles into his back, shushing him and encouraging him to get it all out. Once he finished, Louis leaned back and wiped at his mouth before whispering "Don't have any medicine."

"Should I go grab some then?" Louis gave me a pointed look. I sighed before getting up and attempting to pull him with me. Louis had planted his ass to the ground, making extremely hard.

"The fuck are you doing Harold?"

"I've got to tuck you in before I go." I smiled sweetly, attempting again to get him to stand, finally he surrender and leaned into my chest.

"Get me a bucket then, will you?" Louis demanded as I walked him out of the bathroom and into his room plopping him down on his bed. He rolled onto his back but I quickly moved him so he was on his side.

"Harrrrrry." He whined.

"I don't want you choking in your sleep. Believe it or not." I said walking away to grab a red bucket from the hall closet. And why not the heating pad, I should grab a warm rag for his head.

When I got back into the room from grabbing all the things I could think would help, Louis was laying there on his back. A smirk on his face and eyes closed. I set the bucket and heating pad on his beside table quietly before slapping the rag down on Louis forehead. His eyes opened quickly and the smirk fell from his face.

"My sweet sweet housewife." Louis said coldly.

"You wish you could get your hands on this mom martial." I whispered rubbing his long hair out of his face with one hand while the other sneaked its way underneath Louis pushing him on to his side again. "I'm going to go get you some medicine. Please lay on your side, if really really want to lay on back then do so. But I know you don't, but because you are a stubborn bastard at least have your phone next to you so you can call the police or me if you start to choke. I don't think i'll answer though, so call the police instead."

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