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Nearing to the edge of the mountain, he passes trees, large trees, creatures and every living things taking the most precious gift to them, their life. The dark magic has no one mastered but him.

He have returned. The true King of Runn.

"My King," one of his guardians whisphered enough to hear of all ten guardians. "Your order." The Immortal, his loyal and first guardian, kneel followed by the other guardians.

The Immortal bow his life to the King after he save him. Save him from being imprisoned for thousand years in the Kingdom of Astilamma. For the belief the Immortal was giving them a bad omen. The Kingdom's Queen died from incureable illness and the citizens started to diminished. The citizens believe the Immortal poisoned the Kingdom and marked the Immortal as a curse.

"We will not attack," The King said facing his eleven guardians. His soft mignight hair shines from the moonlight. The young Kings' grey eyes glows to mesmerizing purple eyes. The eyes of death. Once you looked, you cannot look away taking your life.

The Siren admire the view of the young King. She always admire him. Every part of his body and every piece of him. He is hers. But the King never paid attention to her romantic words and gestures. He is immune to her love songs and spells.

"Alric-" The Leech interject. The beautiful Leech that anyone can fall from his good looks. The Leech, the impatient. The Leech, the hot-headed. The Leech always love the battle. Blood for blood.

The Leech is only sixteen years old. The youngest from eleven guardians. The King found him in ruins of Church of Gios in southern land, hiding from Leech hunters. His family was killed and burned to ashes by Leech hunters. Despite the attitude of the Leech, the King save him because the Leech is pureblood. The Leech and the King became like brothers but for unknown reasons, the King slowly distance himself to the Leech.

"Halt your words, Leech." The Priest stops him from being eliminated. The dangerous obedient Priest and always carry a book. When the Priest show the King what is in inside, nothing is written on the book but Priest can read it even if he is blind. The King found him after he found the Leech. He was buried under the Church of Gios. He is the oldest from eleven guardians, older than the Immortal and his story is still unknown. "Let the King talk first and do not speak his name."

"Make me." The Leech challenge the Priest.

"Raven, stop." Shouts by two voices. The Leech send the Twins a death glare and held his middle finger to them. The playful and dangerous Twins. They become living legend becasue the people of their country created them from their minds. Their country named them as the Twin Riddlers. If you cannot answered right their riddles, you will fall from their riddles of death. The only person who tamed them is the King.

"No!" The Leech insisted. The King knows the Leech was trying to get his attention, demanding for the reasons.

The Angel and Demon hold the Leech, stoping him from getting killed. Although, the King is not going to take his life. He can't but the Priest can. He have been taken thousand of lives of people and he is not planning to do the same to the Leech or any of his guardians. Unless, it is required.

"Contain yourself, Leech." The Angel spoke in soft and magical voice. His white hair and golden eyes glows from the moonlight. "Do not be tempted from anger. You will always regret it."

One of the strongest King's guardians, the Angel. He join the King to become his guardian. He never leave the King's side unless the King demanded. He is the adviser of the King and the peace-maker from all the guardians but no one tried to get on his bad side. No one knows what his true power and nature, even the King.

"Anger makes you stronger, Leech," whisphered the Demon. "Don't believe that Angel's bullshit."

The Angel draw a sword to the Demon's throat. The Demon held his hand in surrender, letting out a chuckle. "Forgive me, my Angel." The Demon bowed exaggerately and disappear to the dark.

The King never like the Demon. He is wise and always make offer to him but he never take it because the price was always the soul. The King wasn't sure if the Demon is really one of his guardians but he is considering him. He can use him as an asset. But like the Angel, no one knows what his true power and nature, even the King.

"Alric!" The Leech shouted calling his attention. The Mage cast the runes, preventing the Leech to move. "Can we just talk?!" The Mage step back when the King stakled towards to the Leech. The King's eyes glow to purple. The Mage's runes breaks when the King grab the Leech's throat. Immediately, the Leech's life draws to the King.

"My King!" The Archer shouted. The Demon considered her, the weakest among the guardians. "You are going to kill him!"

"My King," the Angel whisphered to the King's mind. "He is your brother. You cannot kill him."

The King release the Leech, choking from his life. The Leech's golden blonde hair almost became white. The King took calming breaths before facing once his Kingdom, the Kingdom of Runn and now, governed by Kingdom of Eshoire, "Do me a favour," the King said. "Give the King of Eshoire a sign that we are declaring a war."

"Yes, my King." The guardians answered, except the Leech and the Angel, and they all departed.


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