Chapter I

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Chapter I

He heard three knocks from the door. His room is located at the end of the hallway. The fourth floor of the castle. Only his room is located there. No one else but the true King. Although, his little sister always come to his room when she had nightmares but not until she died from illness. He wish he was the one who's illed not her. She was too young to be gone.

The gloomy and cold whether are the first things he sees and feel when he open his eyes. He feels like they were mouring from someone's death. And yes, his younger sister's death. It was silent and dead. Then, he remembered, today is the day that he will be crown as the King of Runn and the day his sister will be buried under ground. He wasn't excited nor happy or sad. He doesn't know how to to feel. All he know, it was too much.

He shifted his position, staring to the painted ceilling. From the corner of his eyes, his cordoroy clothes are hung perfectly to his dark oak wardrobe.

"Alric?" His mother speaks his name outside of his room. "My son?" She knocks again then slightly open the thick wood door. His mother features resembles his little sister but older. Her brown hair and her green eyes like his sister. Her soft skin that alure his step father. She would be like their mother when she grow up but she will never be.

At the thought of his step-father, Alric never like him but the Queen is in love. He can't opposed to the Queen's feeling. Alric always thought his mother is blinded by his step-father looks and words. He was casting spell to her and to the citizens of Runn. Alric's little sister like him, people of Runn like him and Alric's mother like him. At some point, he thought his step-father was the one who killed his father and then his little sister and then soon his mother and soon the Kingdom of Runn.

"Hmm?" he hums, closing his eyes.

His tired responsed made the Queen sigh. She brushes the strands hair of Alric. She felt the softness of his midnight hair similar to his deceased father.

"Of what a young lad doing here in the middle of night?" She heard a deep and manly voice behind her. It was him. The Prince of Runn. She never seen him in person but many said he is painfully handsome. Every girl dreamed of having him, even her.

She faced the Prince with bowed head. She was wearing a mud color hood. Her breathing became unstable as they both can hear it. He barely see her face. The Prince took a step closer. She step back afraid he could kill her anytime.

"You cannot escape. You are in my territory," the Prince said, threatening her. She is doomed. Her sweaty hands are shaking from fear, causing the stolen gold necklace to fall. The Prince's stunning grey eyes travel down to the floor. "Ah," he bent down picking up the necklace. "I see. A thief." He tsked and scratches his neck.

"Please, don't," she beg.

"Asking for help is very simple," he spoke. "And yet, why you people cannot do that?"

"I..." she was lost in words and she's dead. Two strong hands had grab her upper arms. The guard drag her away from the Prince. "No! Please! I beg you! Klaus!"

His name caught his attention. No one speaks his name but his mother and father. This thief has a death wish, he thinks. He stormed towards the thief. She can now see the approaching feet of Klaus. Her foot slipped and Klaus caught her neck before she landed to the floor. The two knights distance themselves giving the thief to their Prince. Her hood also slipped from her head. Klaus grey eyes meet the scared beautiful green eyes. At the moment, he was caught of guard by the woman's eyes. It was indeed beautiful.

"Release her." He order the knights immediately

"Sire," the knight with silver hair said, hiding the humor in his voice. "Release her."

"What?" Klaus ask dumbfounded. He released her neck and help to steady themselves.

The knight with the red hair grabbed the woman's hand, pulling her away from Klaus. "Should I keep her?"

"What?" Klaus ask again. The two knights chuckles and pats Klaus back, before leaving. Klaus best of friends. Jacques and Draco.

The girl didn't know what to do. Stand there? Spoke to him? No. Definitely, no, she thinks. Don't move. Don't breathe. Don't blink.

She held her breath when Klaus turned to her.

"May I know your name?" He ask, politely. He hides his smile when the girls scan him from head to toe. He waited for her reply but it never came. He wasn't angry. He was disappointed because the girl is scared to him. He sigh, "Okay. I'm not going to force you to tell me your name but at least be my guest." She didn't speak.

"Oh come on!" He said, irritated. He grab full of his beautiful midnight hair. "Speak, mute! You were shouting a while ago! Shouting my name! Unbelievable!"

"Stop now, boy." Jacques returned with clean clothes.

"Screw you, Jac," he said, leaving them alone but stop like he forgot something to say possessively. "And don't touch her." He stated before he turned right.

"Forgive his manners, young lady." Jacques smiles to the girl, giving the new clothes to her. "He has never seen a girl before."

"Mother," Alric spoke, sitting to his bed. When his mother pause a while ago, he knew she was reminiscining about his father. Of how they met. He can see it in her eyes. The sadness and pain of losing him. It was a cute story but they both struggled from Klaus father hands to continue their relationship. Klaus was tortured but he never let it affect him. He wasn't giving up to his love at that time.

Sofia was sent away outside the Kingdom of Runn along with her family. Sent to the dark woods that no one ever survive. When Klaus heard about this, he was enraged. It was the time he found his power, the Eyes of Death. He doesn't have regrets killing his father. His father was cruel even to his mother and to the people of Runn.

Alric knows their family have the worst history among the four Kingdoms. From his great, great grandfather down to his late grandfather. It stop when his father ruled the Kingdom. He changed all the traditions and beliefs of the Kingdom. Merchants were allowed to trade again to the other Kingdoms without killing involved. Slaves were released and hungers were fed. Innocents were freed and greed people were sent away.

"Mother," he called again. "Can I skip the ceremony?"

"Which one?" The Queen ask, humor in her eyes. Alric can see it. He have this abilities seeing persons' memories just by looking to their eyes. For him, it is rude to look in the eyes. He feels like he was digging their personal deep darkest pasts and secrets. He never told his mother and anyone else.

"Both?" He questioned.

"I am afraid not, son." His mother said with sad smile. "Come on," she said offering a hand to him this time, with bright smile. "Let us make girls swoon on their feet in your crowning ceremony."

He groaned, "For you, mother."


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