Chapter 1

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I rode towards STARK towers, I needed to see if he was okay. I finally made it to the building. I parked my bike in the parking garage and I tried the elevator and surprisingly it worked. After all that's happened in New York you'd think the elevator wouldn't work. I came to the penthouse, to see that, my brother, Bruce Banner, walk around and talk to THE Tony Stark. I whistle and Bruce and Tony Stark look over to me. Bruce's eyes widen, and he actually runs up to me and I meet him half way, and we hugged.

"I missed you, bro." I said as we hugged. My brown hair covering my face.

"I missed you too, Tammy." I could hear the smile in Bruce's voice. I heard a whistle. I looked through my hair, to see that Tony Stark was acting like, I was actually Bruce's girlfriend. I rolled my eyes. I pulled back from the hug.

"Why are you here?" Bruce asked.

"Well, I saw what was going on here in New York, and I came as soon as I could." I answered. "And do you know, how hard it is, to get to New York from Wisconsin, on a motorcycle?" I asked. Bruce smiled.

"I believe I don't." Bruce said. Tony Stark winked at me and I rolled my eyes. He then strutted to me and Bruce.

"Brucie, you didn't introduce me to your lady friend." Tony said sending a wink my way. I closed my eyes and shook my head, Bruce kinda stepped back.

"Dude, that's my sister!" Bruce said. Tony then looked stunned. He looked at me then Bruce, then to me again.

"I don't see a resemblance." Tony said.

"I was adopted." I said.

"Then it makes sense." Tony said.

"Yah." I said shuffling my feet.

"Tammy this is Tony. Tony this is Tammy." Bruce said.

"Like she doesn't know me." Tony said.

"I don't know you, but I've heard if you." I said.

"Same difference." Tony said walking off.

"So why exactly did you come?" Bruce asked.

"I wanted to make sure you were okay." I said. Bruce smiled.

"Alright well, you should go back." Bruce said. My mouth dropped.

"Bruce, I haven't seen you for over a year, and I came here, on motorcycle just to make sure you were okay, and you send me back?! Dude, I'm staying." I said.

"But you have a life back in Wisconsin." Bruce said.

"Yes, but I've also spent most of my life here with you." I said.

"But it's dangerous here," Bruce tried to reason.

"I'm staying and that's final." I said. Bruce sighed.

"Fine. You can stay at my place for the time until you get your own place." Bruce said. I clapped, but actually just made 'thud' due to my biker gloves.

"Do you actually have everything?" Bruce asked.

"Yes," I said, "I knew you would lose in the argument, so I just brought my stuff." I smiled.

"Dr.Banner!" A man's voice called. Me and Bruce looked toward the voice. A man with a eyepatch, black trench coat, black boots, black pants, and black shirt. This guy was either emo, or he was in love with the color black.

"What is this woman doing on the premisses? Get her out!" The man said.

"Director Fury, she's family," Bruce began.

"That doesn't matter. Get her off." Fury said. I rolled my eyes. I started walking towards the elevator.

"Wait. Let our agents escort you out." Fury said. I huffed.

"Agent Barton, Romanoff." Fury called. A red headed woman wearing a skin tight cat suit that showed all her curves, came up to Fury, along with a dirty blonde that had a bow-n-arrow, and he wasn't so bad to look at either.

"Take her," Fury points to me, "Off the premisses." The two agents nodded. They came to me and they walked to the elevator as I followed.

"Um, can we goto the parking garage? I have my motor in there." I asked. They just nodded. We came to the parking garage where I went to my Harley bike. The dirty blonde actually looked impressed. I put on my helmet, and I pulled down the shade, which made it unable to see my face. I started my Harley and I revved the engine making sure I had enough gas to make it to Bruce's apartment. I saw that I did and I drove my bike towards the place.

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