You Have A Bad Sex Life With Him (Version 2)

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"I know where you stand
Silent in the trees
And that's where I am
Silent in the trees.
Why won't you speak
Where I happen to be?
Silent in the trees
Standing cowardly."
I sing softly, curling my hair, smacking my red covered lips together. I look up in the mirror, my love fixing his tie so that it was on perfectly right.
He looks handsome, the way his hands move upon the fabric, the way his posture changes whenever he investigates his look. He is beautiful, completely irresistible. And that's what makes this so difficult.
I want tonight to be the night, the night where he lets me make love to him. Our relationship has been serious for a while now, nearly an entire year being spent together. But there's a flaw we have, and it's been eating me alive. It almost feels like it's drifting us apart in some ways, but I don't think he notices it.
He hasn't made love to me yet, he hasn't touched me. And for both of us already having sex with other people in the past, I wonder why he hasn't given me his love yet.
Harry looks up to the mirror, his stern face suddenly softening. He smiles, making his way toward the bathroom.
"My love," he whispers, his arms wrapping around my waist, his mouth against the skin of my neck, "you look beautiful, my love."
I smile.
"I can feel your breath.
I can feel my death.
I want to know you.
I want to see.
I want to say hello."
"Hm." Harry hums contently, nuzzling his face into my shoulder, "love when you sing."
I turn my head, admiring the aspect of him. He's more than what he claims to be, he's everything anybody could ever desire.
I kiss down his neck, sucking on the skin right below his ear. I hear him growl, the fingers that are tight around my hip squeezing together. My lips make their way up to his, capturing the taste of his lemon and peppermint breath. His lips are smooth, plump and easy to manipulate.
He moans into me, his hand gripping onto the back of my neck, as if preventing me from moving away.
"Make love to me." I whisper, my lips ghosting over his.
Harry stops his movements, hands loosening, lips stopping. He pushes me away, shaking his head from side to side. I knew it was a risky thing to say to him, but I need to feel him love me they way he claims he does. For now, I feel nothing. I haven't felt anything in so long.
"We can't, we're going to be late for the dinner. My family has been non stop talking about this."
I cross my arms over my chest, tucking my hands underneath them.
"O-okay. Let me just get more lipstick from Gemma's room."
I slowly walk across the hall to talk to Gemma. I know the topic may be strange for her, I can't hold in my feelings anymore. If I don't let out what I have to, I'll drive myself to insanity. I can't handle it anymore.
I walk into her room hesitantly, only to find her straightening her hair, the smell of nail polish fusing the room.
"Hey, Gemma, can I ask you something?" I mumble, my lips coming together into a straight line.
Gemma places her curling iron down on her dresser, brushing out the last few pieces before turning her full attention towards me.
"What's up, Y/n?"
I let out a shaky breath, blinking softly a few times before building up the bravery to ask her.
"Does Harry ever talk about me, to anybody? Does he say anything about me to you guys?"
Gemma gasps, looking around her as if the question were appalling. She walks up to me to grab my hands, her eyes reassuring me.
"Are you kidding? You're all he talks about. Every hour he'll say something related to you. I'm telling you, we hear your name nearly ten times a day."
I give her a small smile, but it wasn't my main concern. I'm scared to address the issue, because I feel like once I admit it, I can't blame anybody but me. Like I am the one who discourages him to make love to me, like there's a problem I have that he's trying to avoid.
"Why, hun? What's going on with you?"
I squeeze her hands, trying desperately to not sound unappreciative of all the other things he does for me. It's just killing me, destroying my self esteem, I'm at my breaking point.
"He won't have sex with me."
Gemma's jaw drops, eyes wide and gleaming with shock. I don't think she had expected it, simply because we have been together for so long, and we are both old enough to have such an intimate experience.
"You guys-you guys haven't slept together yet?"
I shake my head, frowning at her question.
"Gem, no matter how hard I try, he won't budge. We haven't even done foreplay, he hasn't even gone past my shoulders. I've tried so many times to make love to him, but he doesn't-he just doesn't do anything. I mean, is it me? Is there something wrong with me?"
I look down at my hands, my tears and cries unpreventable.
"Darling, no. Absolutely not. You're beautiful. Look at you."
She brings her hand up to place hair behind my ear, smiling at me as she does so.
"Just talk to him, yeah? There might be something on his mind."
I nod, wiping the tears away from under my eyes. I give her a small smile, wiping off any makeup that could have possibly smudged before I make my way back to Harry.
He smiles when he sees me, kissing my softly. His touch is intoxicating, and, God, how i want to kiss him on every inch of his skin. My love, my handsome love, maybe tonight will be our night.

Dinner was beautiful. Everything was so elegant. Even the aroma was something I've never experienced before. And being with Harry's family was nothing but welcoming. I am so comfortable around them, everything they do is done with such kindness.
"I had a wonderful time, Harry." I smile, beaming at the events that just unfolded.
"You, my angel," Harry whispers, "look breathtaking tonight. I couldn't stop looking at you."
I smile, pressing a soft kiss on his lips. He deepens the kiss, gripping onto my hips, his hands wandering to the zipper of my dress. I sigh contently, my lips wrapping around his, our tongues dancing against each others. His fingers fiddle with the zipper before my dress pools at my ankles, which I immediately step out of.
This feels different. It feels like it's actually going somewhere. I feel him giving me something passionate, something with meaning and love. I've been waiting for this moment since I met him, since I knew he was the one for me. And now that it's happening, I can't get enough. I'm so needy of him, and there's no reason to deny that.
I slip his suit jacket off of his shoulders, my fingers urgently opening up the buttons of his shirt. 'I kiss the new exposed skin, the tips of my nails lightly scratching down his sides.
He grips my head in his hands, lifting me up so that he can kiss me again.
"Alright, angel, off to bed."
My mouth drops open, my entire body halting once the words escape his lips. He turns around to undress the rest of him, slipping on a pair of sweatpants. His muscles flex as he ties his hair up, continuing on as if nothing had just happened.
"Is there something wrong with me, Harry?" I whisper.
Harry turns to look at me, his eyes immediately gleaming with sympathy. Grabbing my hands as softly as he can, he leans in to quickly kiss my forehead.
"Baby, why would you ask me that?"
I look down, choking out soft cries as I try to make myself sound less greedy than I seem.
"Because you won't sleep with me!" I shout. "I try almost every night to make love to you and I-I don't get anything from you. I spent so much time tonight to try and get you to do something. It's tearing me down, Harry. It's tearing me down so much. This can't work if you aren't attracted to me."
He looks dumbfounded, completely in shock when I'm done with what I said. He looks scared in a way, guilty, almost saddened by the words I spoke. He stutters, his hands losing a grip on mine to push his hair back, almost out of nervousness.
"Baby, I-"
"Why don't you show me you love me?" I sob.
He swallows harshly, his sentence gone unfinished. His eyes show desperation, plea, but it's clear that whatever he had to say was nothing I want to hear.
I drop his hands from mine, nodding understandingly. It's clear I'm nothing he wants, nothing he needs. I'm far from his expectations, it makes me wonder why he held on for so long.
"O-okay." I mumble. "I get it."
I wipe the tears from my face. I can't believe this is happening here, at this time, in this place, but it is, and I have to pretend I'm okay for at least another day.
I turn away from him, almost turning to look back, just to see if he'd fight for me.
"Wait, Y/n, please." Harry begs, his voice unsteady.
I stop my movements, waiting for him to say more, but I refuse to look at him. I can feel him coming closer to me, his radiancy filling my lungs. His fingertips graze my shoulder slightly, almost as if he's contemplating to completely reach for me.
I suck in a breath, letting his soft touch invade me.
"I'm sorry." He whispers before his touch leaves me.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2015 ⏰

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