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Your P.O.V

"Hey everyone we are back with the hottest actress right now Y/N." The interviewer exclaimed while looking at the camera enthusiastically.

"Hi!" I waved at the camera as well before turning back to the interviewer.

"Your new movie Three Dimensional is about what exactly?" She questioned.

"Umm well, its about a girl and a boy who are finding out just how hard a relationship can get when gangs are involved." I was so nervous. I could tell from the amount of hand gestures I was using. Her next question was completely irrelevant to anything which caught me completely off guard.

"Since your movie is about love I'm going to have to ask you questions about your real love life. Is that okay with you?" She asked while looking at me intently. Pretty much saying if I didn't say yes I would make a fool of myself on tv.

"Yeah of course, shoot." No that is not okay do not shoot.

"You have heard of the british boy band One Direction right?" Where the hell was she going with this.

"Yeah of course I have, I'm not really a fan though." I said still not understanding where she was heading.

"Well, in an interview the other day we asked them who their celebrity crushes were and Harry Styles, this one, said you." She said full on fangirling while pointing at the one standing in the middle of all of them.

"I mean I guess he's kind of cute. How old is he?" I asked realising how much older he looked than me.

She looked a bit bummed while telling me he was 20. "You do realise I'm 16 right. Wait, why are you telling me this in the first place? Am I being Punked? Is Ashton Kutcher going to jump out at me?" I asked looking around me trying to make sure.

"No sweetie." She said trying to get me to calm down before yelling out to the crowd.

"Everyone give a warm welcome to Harry Edward Styles of One Direction." I felt like puking right then and there. Damn he was hotter up close.

I stared wide eyed at him as he walked closer and sat right next to me on the small couch instead of the one next to me.

Next thing I knew he was hugging the life out of me with his face buried into the crook of my neck.

"Awwwww." The crowd swooned while I faced them, still wide eyed and terrified that I would say something stupid.

"Hi." He spoke with his raspy voice as he pulled away and sat in the seat next to me. Thank god. I was going to die from his scent.

"Uhhhh hi, It's nice to meet you. I'm Y/N." I said just to be polite.

He stared at me like I had grown three heads. Had I said something wrong.

"I know who you are. I follow you on Twitter, Instagram and Vine." Everyone in the crowd started laughing hysterically while I sat there blushing manically.

"Shit, I'm sorry love. I didn't mean to embarrass you. It just sort of...slipped out." He said blushing as well now. I said a quiet its ok before turning back at the interviewer who seemed dazzled.

"Awww I ship you guys so hard. I've already thought of a ship name as well. Do you want to hear it?" I had a feeling she was still going to say it no matter what my answer so I just nodded, smiling politely.

"Y/S/N! What do you think?" She said looking between me and harry looking for an answer.

"I think that ship should go canon." Harry replied very excited about the thought. While I sat there blushing as red as a tomato. (A/N. Take that Mr Davies I used a Metaphor *only people in my class will get that*)

I was too overwhelmed. I had to get away. I ran off the stage, through the dressing room and out the back door to my awaiting car that should take me back to the hotel. Little did I know Harry had ran after me and got ahold of my hand before I could get in.

He spun me around to face him and held me to his chest like I was about to break.

"Are you okay? Did I say something wrong? I just, I really, really like you and I want to take you on dates and be able to see you on tv and say hey look its my girlfriend Y/N and I'm so proud of her." I stared at him in bewilderment. That was the nicest thing anyone had ever said to me, and his rambling was kind of cute.

"Harry you have to learn to shut up." I said before smashing my lips onto his, fascinated with how soft his lips were.

After a minute I pulled away, tiptoeing to rest my forehead against his while stroking his cheek.

"I'll see you tomorrow." I said before walking back to the car.

I guess the one thing I should have told him was I had a back stage pass and I knew of the band One Direction much more than I let on.

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