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The next day, I saw a familiar red head with her hair on a messy bun. This sweet and genuine smile was plastered on her face as she waved at everyone who then ignored her.

My heart started pounding like shıt when she neared me. She smiled then all I did was wave. Damn, she's gorgeous.

School went on rather fast and I was more than happy about it. I took the school bus since I'm feeling lazy to walk.

I entered the bus and smiled when I saw again the red head that I've been admiring for the past twenty-four hours.

"Hi." I smiled at her and she immediately lifted her head and pulled her braid to the left. "Do you mind?"

"Hey. Of course not." She said moving her bag onto her lap.

"Hi." I laughed again already feeling the awkwardness. "Hey?" She again smiled, her emerald eyes glowing.

"Don't you remember me?" I asked her remembering yesterday's events.


"Oh. Anyway, I'm Luke." I smiled offering my hand.

"Krista." She smiled taking my hand for a warm shake.


Eww my chapters. I swear -.- and oh, fűčk you wattpad for deleting the original version of this chapter and the rest of the chapters

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