How it all started.

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*The date is 5.2.1980. The First Wizarding War is still here, 10 years after it's beginning. Lily Evans and James Potter have just found out that Lily is 2 months pregnant*

James has just sit down to start writing letters, with a cheerful smile defining his lips.

'Dear Sirius,
I am very happy to let you know these wonderful news! You always told me how I should not reproduce because me alone is enough trouble to the world, and I suppose that is true. But, however, something wonderful happened today and, you being my closest friend, are the first to know. Lily is pregnant! Yes, yes, I spread the Potter gene and I, too, am not sure how well will that affect Hogwarts' well-being in 11 years. But, I am very pleased with the fact I will in a short period of time become a father. A father of a child that will have you as it's godfather, if you accept my offer! Will you please honor our family with a positive answer?
All the love, James.'
He checked it once more as he stood up to send it to his old, good friend, Sirius Black. He knew he would say yes. After sending it by his owl, he sit back down to write to other friends. Remus and Peter will surely be happy!
As he finished, he went back to his wife, Lily, to discuss the news.  She was also writing letters to her family, but stopped when she saw her husband's figure on the door.
'James, I just spoke with your father. He said that he hopes I'm carrying a boy. What if it's a girl? Oh James, I don't want to start family fights...'
'Don't you worry. Our child will be amazing whatever it's gender is, and my father will absolutely love him or her equally.'
Lily smiled at her husband, taking his hand as he offered they go to bed. It has really been a long day. At 5:30 AM, the alarm clock went off. Both Potters moaned as they realized it was Sunday, a day when they could sleep in as much as they wanted. 'Silly James, he must have forgotten to turn the alarm clock off.' - Lily thought as she slowly sneaked out of bed, to avoid waking James up. His sleep was so deep, he didn't even move.
Lily was in the middle of making breakfast, when she heard James singing in the shower. She smiled, as she did every time it came to her mind that she married the right person. That is a real luxury these days. He just walked into the kitchen, when the door bell rang.
'Merlin's beard, it's only 7.00 AM, who could it be?' - Lily mumbled under her breath as she rushed to the door. When she opened them, a familiar face was staring back at her for a second. The next second, she was grabbed by two strong arms, and she returned it, because she knew exactly what was happening. James came too, wiping the rest of the shaving cream off his face.
'SIRIUS! OLD FRIEND!' - he yelled happily as he joined the hug.
'James, mate, I couldn't resist the urge to come when I got the letter! I can't believe that you actually created a person! A person half James half Lily Potter! That could turn out very well, or very bad.'
James and Lily laughed, knowing exactly what he meant. They let him in and gave him something to eat.
'So, have you decided the name yet?' - Sirius asked, not moving his eyes from the fried egg he was eating.
'Well...', Lily put her fork down, ' we were thinking about Harry for a boy, and Jilly for a girl.'
'Jilly, as a mix of James and Lily? That's smart, Potters.' - Sirius laughed, causing everyone else to laugh along.

*2 years later*
Lily has just put Harry back to bed, kissed him and wished him a good night. She went back downstairs to rejoin James in the living room, as she heard someone open the front door. James was closer so he went to check. As he entered the hallway, his heart stopped.
'LILY, GO BACK TO HARRY'S ROOM! FAST, LILY, RUN!' - James yelled as it came to his mind what is about to happen. The couple rushed upstairs, but the man was much slower, so they had time to snuggle next to their son.
'Harry, you are so loved. Mommy and daddy love you so much. Don't be afraid honey, it'll be over soon' - as Lily whispered to her only son, the door slammed open.
The Dark Lord, tall and with a hood covering his face, was standing in front of them. He raised his wand, said the words everyone in the magic world feared the most.
'AVADA KEDAVRA!' - lord Voldemort yelled, his wand pointing at the family. Lily and James closed their eyes, feeling their senses shutting off.

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