The family who lived.

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Lily woke up to a completely destroyed. Her sons bed was broke into pieces, baby blue curtains were lying on the floor,ripped. The nightstand was lying on it's side, with a lamp smashed into pieces. She slowly stood up, trying to remember what happened. Her hand reflexively touched her forehead as she felt a strong headache. When she looked at her hand, she saw she was bleeding.
Suddenly, she remembered what happened. She jumped onto her feet to look for James. He was lying next to the window, his head covered in blood. Before Lily ran to him to help him, she took Harry into her arms, checking his also bloody forehead.
'Merlin's beard, James, are you alright? James, please say something.' - Lily whispered, trying to lift her husband into a sitting position. 
'Lily, where's Harry? Is he okay?' - James asked, managing to sit up by himself.
'We are alright. James, why are we alright? I don't understand, the last thing I remember is... is... oh James.' - Lily started crying as she finally got the full picture of the night before.
'Sh sh, sweetie, it's alright, I don't understand either...' - James hugged his wife with one hand, using the other to hold Harry on his lap.
They remained like that for a short time, until they heard the door open. Did he realize they're alive? Did he come back to finish them off? Lily stopped breathing, as James slowly went down the stairs to check. 
'Oh, professor Dumbledore, what an honor, we weren't expecting you.' - James said with an obvious tone of relief in his voice. When Lily came down, all she could see was her husband, facing towards her old professor, Albus Dumbledore. She smiled at him and offered him a cup of tea, but he couldn't even close his mouth from the pure shock he was in.
'Oh dear, dear Potters, the news of the attack on your family was the first thing I heard when I woke up. Everyone believed you were dead, but nobody was brave enough to check. Oh, James, Lily, who is this? Is this the little boy Sirius told me about? He's amazing, he's got Lily's eyes and James' hair. Harry, isn't it? Oh, James, what happened here?' - professor said in one breath.
'My dear professor, we are not sure. We clearly remember the you-know-who entering our home and we remember all being on the floor when we heard the... spell. But we woke up  with bloody foreheads, and we don't understand.' - James said, looking at his feet.
'Yes, professor, we don't know if something in the spell went wrong. We are so lucky, whatever happened. We should be dead now. All three of us.' - Lily said, placing her hand on her husband's knee.
'I see you all have scars on your foreheads, all three identical. You, Potters, somehow just survived the world's most dangerous spell.' - Dumbledore said, not believing his own words.
Soon, the news about the Potter family surviving the attack spread among the entire Britain, and everybody knew them. They were known as the family who survived. The scars remained on their foreheads and soon became their symbol. However, months have passed and not one more attack of the Dark Lord and his Death Eaters was recorded. There were some people that claimed he was dead, but to everyone with the common sense, that was a nonsense. He couldn't be dead.
'Of course he isn't dead.', said Sirius, sipping his tea. 'He is out there, somewhere, waiting to get strong enough to return.'
'I still wonder what happened, that night, that made us survive' 

But, what happened that night, were the words Lily  whispered to her family right before the spell hit them, they were so honest and full of love, that they created an invisible shield which was stronger even than the darkest of all spells. However, lord Voldemort, being such a dark wizard, divided his soul every time he murdered someone. This being the case, his soul divided into three parts, and each part connected with one member of the Potter family. Because of that, they will forever carry a part of lord Voldemorts soul inside of them.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2015 ⏰

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