Blanket hog

298 21 3

Author: Pure_Fury
Words: 602


The sound of Alex's watch counting the seconds and Scott's steady breathing were the only things to break the silence. No cars passed as it was far too early in the morning for that and everyone else in the house had the good sense to already be asleep by now. The only other sound to disrupt the absence of sound was Alex's teeth, chattering noisily.

"Scott..." Alex groaned as his cold finger came in contact with the warm flesh of his partner's broad shoulder. The body in bed beside him twitched.

"Scott..." The quiet voice echoed around the darkness of the motel room. Alex shivered as his partner lay snug and content beside him.

The other man grumbled as he floated around the edge of consciousness but stubbornly refused to wake up, "Hmm?"

Fed up, Alex finally turned to his last resort. He cleared his throat, "SCOTT HOYING!! WAKE UP!!" It was probably loud enough to wake the whole town but the young man didn't care.

Scott leapt into a sitting position instantly. His blue eyes scoured the pitch black for the danger. Realising that there was no immediate danger, the blond turned to face his boyfriend with a scowl upon his face.

"What is it, Alex?" He huffed in annoyance. It was no secret that Scott Hoying appreciated his sleep and being disturbed put Alex into his bad books. His bad books really weren't a great place to be.

"It's freezing, Scott." It was only then that The singer noticed the way Alex's white teeth hit together and the mild blue tinge that colored his usually pink lips.

Glancing down at himself, the man noted that the whole duvet was wrapped around him, effectively cocooning him like a developing butterfly. The blanket fell around his waist as he sat in the queen sized bed. It was then that the true bitterness of the winter cold hit him. Goosebumps erupted over his skin and a shiver ran down the length of his spine.

Guilt twisted in his gut upon realising that Alex had no covering against the mid-winter chill aside from his pyjama pants. His boyfriend had obviously been battling the cold alone for a few hours now as he was shaking quite violently.

"Al," Scott started as he untangled himself from the duvet, "Why didn't you wake me earlier?"

He didn't expect and answer, Alex was shivering far too much. The chill might have gotten to his brain, Scott thought to himself with a slight chuckle.

He lifted the blanket up and threw it over both of them. His partner automatically gravitated towards Scott and his heat. The blond opened his arms in invitation; Alex accepted it almost immediately as he snuggled up against Scott's warm chest and absorbed his heat. After a few minutes the chattering and shivering decreased significantly. His body began to defrost and his toes were finally coming back up to the right temperature.

"Better?" Scott asked as he nussled his nose into Alex's silky chestnut locks. The smell of his lover's shampoo made him smile slightly as it just seemed so familiar. He grabbed the edges of the blanket and began to tuck it underneath their bodies, effectively sealing in the heat.

Alex nodded and placed his cold lips against Scott's chest in a gentle kiss, "Much... Thank you."

It wasn't long before they fell back into unconsciousness but this time, Alex didn't nearly freeze to death in the process.

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