Quick A/N, Please Read

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I just wanted to clear a few things up for the previous chapter!

If you were confused at the beginning, I know it's been a month, but hopefully you figured out that the Charmings and Raven had just been called to Headmaster Grimm's office.

Probably the most confusing aspect of the story of anyone reading is the appearance of the Storybook of Legends, since it was destroyed in Way Too Wonderland. Well I thought the destruction of the book was a really stupid thing so I kept it in there.

If the storybook was destroyed, how are we supposed to ever find out what Dexter's destiny really is? Since they have no excuse to give us now, I went ahead and made his destiny what I wanted it to be. I'm not saying Dexter's destiny really is to be the Good King in EAH's world.

The second thing that is potentially confusing is Darling's suspension. Some of you may have been like "lol when did she slay a dragon?" Well I've stated at least once on here that my story Darling Charming: Finally Extraordinary is in the same world as and follows Darling's life a few months prior to when Mess of a Fantasy begins.

If you've read my other story, you know Apple was in attendance that first night when Darling met Ailie and Annie and shared with them, as well as Bella, that she slew a dragon the previous day.

We know Apple is a conniving little biach in this story so it's possible she was eavesdropping that night also and that's how she picked up that information.

I hope that cleared everything up! I'll be deleting this later.

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