Chapter 3: Someone Else

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"Hey, can I ask you a serious question?" I asked, changing the subject.

We were a while away from Ever After High now, and we were driving toward Charming Castle on a long, dusty, vacant but well-used road. We'd sat in silence for what seemed like forever after even though it was probably only a few minutes.

Although Daring hadn't wanted to tell me about his girlfriend, I really needed him to tell me. Not because I wanted to know really, in fact, I don't really want to know. It won't effect my life at all. I just wanted him to trust me with something no one else knows, so that I could tell if he could be trusted with my.... Secret. I need to know if he trusts me before I can trust him.

"Yeah. What's up?" He started.

Step one- he'll let me ask him a serious question. Gooooo Cerise.

"Tell me about your girlfriend," I stated, praying he would. "Please? Can I guess?" I figured I'd have a better chance of getting it out of him if he didn't have to come out and say it himself. People get pretty apprehensive to what they really feel. You've gotta help them along the way.

"Okay, fine. Gimme your best guess," he said, smirking, as if he knew I'd never guess it. I'll get it.... Eventually. I don't give up, I'm pretty bold that way. In my defense, there's wolf blood in my veins. Gotta be courageous, even if I'm not the leader of the pack.

"It's not Apple, is it? Briar Beauty? Ashlynn Ella? Wait, never mind, she's dating Hunter. Duchess Swan? Lizzie Hearts? Holly O'Hair?" I rattled off all the Royal girls I could think of. Then I watched his reaction. He flinched after one of the names, but I couldn't tell which one, I was going too fast. Then he nodded.

"You said her name," he pointed out, glancing at me, and then back at the road.

"Briar? Duchess? Ew, it's not Duchess is it? She doesn't like me very much-"

"It's Lizzie Hearts," oh. Maybe I didn't have to force it out of him. That's a relief, at least it's not Duchess, or Apple White.

"LIZZIE HEARTS?" Future Heir to the Wonderland throne, very misunderstood- I'd find an easy friend in Lizzie if she ever decided to let me in. I'd talked to her multiple times since Thronecoming (when I'd become friends with Daring) and never known.

Daring nodded. "How did that start?" I asked.

"Um... Okay, so a few months ago, I was at the coffee shop in Book End with Hopper and Sparrow...." He began.

"Oh my lord, here we go," I rolled my eyes, preparing for a stupid story that ended in a way different than anyone in the story expected.

"So they challenged me that I couldn't get a date with the next girl who walked into the store. If I lose, I have to wash Sparrow's grimmnastics uniform after swamp swimming. In walks Lizzie Hearts."

"But... You did have to wash his grimmnastics uniform," I said.

"Yeah, well, I got a date with Lizzie, but she wanted to keep it a secret. Which, is why I didn't tell you, or anyone else. I would've told you sooner otherwise," he finished.

I can't believe he actually dated Lizzie long-term after being dared to ask her out. How would something like that even last? Apparently, it lasted pretty well.

"Lizzie. Wow, I wouldn't have guessed that. I mean I did, but... You know what I mean," I sighed. I leaned back a little more in my seat, satisfied with the information I'd just received.

"Yeah... But, don't tell anyone," he seemed a little worried, like I would, but I'm the shyest girl at EAH- who do I have to tell?

"Don't worry. Your secret's safe with me." I pulled my hood around my head more, suddenly reminded of my secret again.

"Besides," he stopped at a stop sign, and paused. He looked at me with his serious look. "I think I like someone else."

I nodded my head slowly, and then turned toward the window. The castle was close, and it was visible on the horizon. We'd be there in a few minutes.

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