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Smile is a secret key that opens many hearts.

Jinwoo smiled upon reading that line, written poorly in a crumpled paper that was slipped in a dusty book he was holding. Judging from its look, the book must be old and been neglected just like their library. He regretted he found the place just now, when he had stayed in the orphanage for three months already. Why no one told him anyway? He loves reading since he had mastered alphabets and library was the perfect place to hide or escape.

There was not much books like in most library, but it provides a lot of reads for 10 years old kid like Jinwoo. He was determined to make the library more decent, at least for his own preference since no one cares with it.

He was in the middle of cleaning the bookshelf when he heard a commotion outside. He tiptoed on the window to see what it was about. Apparently, there were two boys fighting that made the caregivers even the director lost of patience. Wasn't their fault, it did never happen before. But lately, it happened almost everyday since that boy came. And yes, he was the one who always fight with others.

What's with him again? Jinwoo asked to himself. Somehow feeling curious and sad.


Smile is a secret key that opens many hearts.

Jinwoo believed in that. It gave him confidence to face people. It didn't matter if their hearts were firmly locked, he had the secret key. With that kept in his mind, he walked over to the lone kid on the hallway of lavatory, mopping the floor.

- Hey. - Jinwoo carefully greeted the boywho looked or more like glared at him immediately. He didn't say anything back, so Jinwoo continued. - I...uhm, is there anything I can help with?

- No. - the boy answered quickly and coldly.

- Ah...fine then. But, you might need this. - Jinwoo handed him an ice pack while flashing his remarkable smile.

The boy just looked at him weirdly before turning his back, leaving Jinwoo smiling to the air. In the other hand, Jinwoo didn't mind the rude manner. He was glad that he accepted the ice pack he gave to reduce the swelling on his face.


Since that day, Jinwoo found himself paying more attention towards the boy. Sometimes, he just bluntly showed his concerns that was left ignored by the boy. Jinwoo couldn't tell whether being cold was his nature or just a character he tried to build. Whichever, he couldn't agree with both. People is made with heart, and heart was placed inside to keep it warm, to keep us warm.

- What is it?!

Jinwoo was caught staring at the boy and to his surprise, his stern voice accompanied with sharp glare didn't make Jinwoo flinch a bit. Jinwoo just smiled weirdly yet magically made his eyes locked to the smiling boy standing in the doorway.

- Nothing. I'm just surprised to see you here.

- Is this place even yours?

- Obviously not. But, you can say that I'm the discoverer of this place. - Jinwoo boasted, technically he's not...but well, since he was the one who treasure the neglected library he had the right to act like one. - I'm Jinwoo by the way.

- Tsk. I don't care and I don't need to know your name.

- But I need to know your name...

- For what? we're not even friends.

- Exactly. That's why I need to know your name, so we can be friends.

Jinwoo was smiling, still. A smile that looked creepy at first but the more you see it the more you find it captivating. The boy felt disturbed by the sudden appearance and uncomfortable by the beam of light flashed in front of him. He got up from his seat, walking out of the room slightly brushing into Jinwoo's shoulder.

 songkim minwoo❤Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant