Chapter 2

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"OMG I cant believe V Factory Menudo AND NLT are going to be living with us" Dominique squealed 

"someone pinch me please" Jenna said and I soon as she said it I pinched her


"What you said to pinch you"

"But not that hard" Jenna said rubbing her arm 

"They are SO hot" Ashley said looking at them unloading the moving truck

"I hope heaven's like this" Ashlee said

"And who says your going to heaven?" Michelle said

"o0h be quiet" 

"o0h my god JJ just took off his shirt" Vicky squeaked 

"You girls are so immature" I said rolling my eyes

" Don't act like you don't find them attractive Vanessa" Angel said

I just looked at Asher and went to my room

"What's her problem?" Tenille asked?

They all shrugged and went back to staring at the guys

I changed into my bathing suit and went to the indoor pool. I turned up the stereo [A/N: yes there's a stereo system in the there] I sat on one of those float things in the pool. The song What hurts the most came on and just started thinking about my past with Asher.

"CANNONBALL!!!" I heard Nathaniel yell and that made me fall into the pool

"NATHANIEL!" I yelled 

"o0ps my bad" he said laughing

"Yea it is UR bad" 

"Why are you so cranky?" Wesley asked

"I know. Is it that time of the month again? Don't worry we understand" Jared said

"shut up you butt face." I said as I got out of the pool

"no one's called me that since the fifth grade"

" yea maybe not to your face"

"WOAH there's a slide on the outside pool" Travis yelled and ran outside

The guys followed him and us girls just looked at each other like WTH. Its like they've never seen a pool and a slide in their life.

"Having fun there Travis?" Ashlee asked as he was coming down the slide

"You bet I am" he jumped up and sat next to Ashlee on the edge of the pool

"Your Ashlee right?" 

"Yes I am. But there's another Ashley also" She pointed to Ashley "But you can call me Ash" 

He just stared at into her eyes. She felt uncomfortable and looked away

"Sorry but its just... your eyes are awesome" 


"your right eye is like half brown and half blue. That's so cool" he said smiling at her

" thanks" she started to blush

"So how you been? I haven't seen you in like a long time" Asher said

"my life is perfect and I've moved on from certain... people" 

"like me?"

"yes like you. And were not going to talk about"

"why not?"

"cause there's nothing to talk about" 

"are you mad?"

"no Asher I'm not mad"

"are we friends?"

"more like frenemies" 

He let out a small laugh " yea frenemies. Like we use to be"

I couldn't help but smile at him remembering all those good times we had together.

Your Love Is My Drug [ V Factory, Menudo, NLT ]Where stories live. Discover now