Sorry, I just had to post that! Welcome to the rules! MUST READ!¡!¡
1- You must be in on all meetings unless excused, hold on, I'm going to change the day to Tuesday, I just remembered that I have dance on Wednesdays! *smacks head into wall* silly me!
2- You must not tell lies! (Total Harry Potter reference there!)
3- You must stay true!
4- Make sure that you always try to help!
Okay guys so I know it's a free country but lets keep it PG- That means no cussing and stuff.
5- This is not a hang-out, thank you very much!
Thanks for reading! Comment or PM your form! Whichever you prefer, but be sure, if you're accepted, that you check out the application for a important part in this committee.
Quote, Quote
"Happiness can be found in the darkest of times, if only one remembers to turn on the light."
-Albus Dumbledore
RandomDo you realize how many people are hungry? Do you realize how many people don't have clothes and homes? Millions. We need to help. Join this committee if you want to help. More information in the book. Check it out! We may only be a few people, but...