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Sorry, I just had to post that! Welcome to the rules! MUST READ!¡!¡

1- You must be in on all meetings unless excused, hold on, I'm going to change the day to Tuesday, I just remembered that I have dance on Wednesdays! *smacks head into wall* silly me!

2- You must not tell lies! (Total Harry Potter reference there!)

3- You must stay true!

4- Make sure that you always try to help!

Okay guys so I know it's a free country but lets keep it PG- That means no cussing and stuff.

5- This is not a hang-out, thank you very much!

Thanks for reading! Comment or PM your form! Whichever you prefer, but be sure, if you're accepted, that you check out the application for a important part in this committee.

Quote, Quote

"Happiness can be found in the darkest of times, if only one remembers to turn on the light."
-Albus Dumbledore

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