Chapter 5 Her reaction

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Wait he has been doing what? You heard me. Yeah but I want you to repeat it. UR FUCKING BOYFRIEND HAS BEEN RAPING ME YOU DEAF BITCH. Watch your mouth and why didn't you tell me this sooner. Oh lets see because he told me if I did he would kill use both. Hold on I got a way that he won't no you told me. Okay. (Her mom dials 991)

Operator- 991 what's your emergency?

Mom- Um yes my boyfriend has been raping my daughter so I took her and left he is still in my home.

Operator-Okay what is your address?

Mom- 1717 Pine Street,

Operator- Okay I have my men go over there and get him.

Okay we can go back home now. (They arrive and the police are still there.) Police Officer- Dameria? Mom- Yes! Police- he left before we got here to get him. Mom- Well is there a place we can go so he can't find us? Police man- Yes but not for long! Mom- What do you mean not for long? Police officer- Well we found out that he has cameras everywhere. Mom- Can't you put her in like a protection program. Police Officer- It might work but it might not we don't know yet. Mom- Well let's try it! Police Officer- Okay ma'am good-bye. Mom- Bye.

(Later that night in the house)

Next time something like that happened tell me ASAP. Okay but I tried to tell you that he was creepy and you didn't believe me so it's kinda your fault.

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