Chapter 3

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Cade:She is the best thing that ever happened,the best thing .Emily would be proud
I heard a small explosion and see sparks coming from the barn
YN:Oh no!Guys come over here
We all go to the barn and Cade extinguish the fire
Cade:Unbelievable ...Unbelievable!God Dammit!Something here needs to make this family money
YN:You can turn me in?
Cade:No not like that..,Something else,..*looks at truck*Cmon just one day...

Next Day

I woke up to see Lucas pull up the front
Lucas:Where is he?
Tessa:I don't know
YN:Did you check the barn?
Bianca:Mommy?Why are up so early
YN:Jay,Bianca come with me
We all go down stairs and open the door for Lucas
Lucas:You guys I'm basically your uncle,your casa is my casa.We are gonna lose the casa
Jay:Let's tell Cade...By the way you need to change Lucas
YN:Sorry he just worked up*turns to Jay*Jay I swear...
YN:Good Boy!Your learning to be like me anyways let's go
We were walking in the barn seeing Cade working in the truck
Tessa:Are you working on laser because then we are leaving
Cade:You guys come closer I have something to show you
We come to the truck and see Cade all happy
Cade:Look at the hole...look at the size of it!
Lucas:Yeah so?
Cade:It's not normal!The scraps of the engine are all the connection apart look watch
YN:Cade your not making sense!
Cade:Look it took Cade genius!You wanna hook this back to a working battery!
He then connected it and the truck lights turned light blue
?:Calling all autobots!Calling all autobots!
Cade:Oh yeah!I don't think us a truck at all!I think we found a transformer!
They all ran out and my kids,Cade and me went chasing after them
Tessa:Dad are you out of your mind!You need to get that thing out of here!
Cade:You don't need to worry I've been  all night and I'm unharmed...
Lucas:That's not a truck all right it's an alien killing machine
YN:It's not a killing machine!If it was you all wouldn't been dead the first time we meant!
YN:I'm one of them!There I said it!Im one of them!
Tessa:Yeah right!
YN:Jay Bianca...
We all turned out arms to a gun and our back to bombs
YN:You believe us now!
Jay:Can we shoot!
YN:Not today Jay!
We all transform back and looked at them straight in the eye
Lucas:Ok there is a number that you call,the government it's the American thing to do.If you call and it turns out to be you can win 25,000 dollars
Cade:You don't win money
Lucas:If you catch it live it's 100,000 dollars
Tessa:Dad we are making the call!
YN:Your gonna turn us in!
Tessa:What choice do we have!
Cade:Look if that's a transformer from the battle of Chicago,I need to know how it works,I'm an inventor this can be a game changer for me!
Tessa:Why not do it to YN!
YN:I didn't fight as much,other than getting killed but still!He would know what to say!
Cade:See!If we can work and do the controls my inventions we don't need to worry about money again!
Tessa:Heard that before...
We all walk back inside and sit next to my autobots
Bianca:Mommy who is it?
YN:That over there is like your uncles...
Jay:Oh!Like those cartoons we always watch the Transformer one!
Jay:Cool!Can we sing the theme song!
Bianca:Not now Jay!We need to say hi to our uncle first
Lucas:You guys keep getting weirder and weirder
Tessa:Dad!25,000 that's for college and rent!
Lucas:Besides you used my money so that's my truck!Dont you think!
Cade:*gets down*You also signed a contract with me in my station
Lucas:Station...It's a barn dude
Cade:You signed it and you're now competing.Any ideas of yours is mine,any thought is mine.I own it so basically I own you
Lucas:I don't think you can own a person,that was a while ago even in Texas
Cade:Alright*puts apron on*YN can you bring that dolly to me
YN:On it
I get the dolly and place it next to Cade,I grab a hammer and walk over to Optimus
YN:I'm sorry I'm about to do*turns to Tessa*Hey Tessa you see this*hits the metal*Will an alien killing machine would let me do that!
Cade:Listen we'll make the call,we'll get the money but I wanna see if I'm right
YN:Listen if you wanna hide in the house go ahead
Then Cade got the missal and looks around it
Lucas:What is that?It looks like a missal
Cade:It is
It activates making it fly off
YN:Get down!
I pin my kids to the floor and the missal then crashes to the truck and goes off the door...I then stand up and help them get up
YN:Everyone okay?
Cade:Holy smokes!
YN:You need to be more careful!Something like that can kill you!
Then the truck transforms which made me jump making my back go against the wall,I see Bianca and Jay come close to me and Cade,Lucas went to the other wall.I then see that truck was Optimus
Optimus:I'll kill you!
He then tried to squish Cade and Lucas but missed.Tessa then ran in and Cade grabbed her making her stop running
Optimus:I'll kill you!Stay back!
Lucas:Call 911*runs*
YN:Lucas Stay!
He then gets hit by Optimus gun and fall back
Optimus:Easy Human!
YN:He's not gonna hurt us!
I then walk in front of him and Jay and Bianca followed
Optimus:Weapon system damage...
YN:Your engine was damage Optimus....Cade took it out of you.Your hurt really bad,we are gonna help you...your in Cades home now...
Optimus:How do you know my name?!
YN:Optimus,remember me!YN...YN MN Witwicky
YN:Yeah...Bianca and Jay,this is Optimus...
Cade:Who are you?
YN:Weren't you listen?!

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