A Visit To Ron's

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Again, I do not own Harry Potter, JK Rowling does

Hermione woke Fred up and said

"Look at Harry." urgently.

Fred slowly sat up and when his eyes focused, he saw a battered and bruised Harry with a few scratches.

"Bloody hell! What on earth happened to you?!?"

"Yesterday I went to Ron's place."


"Of course I sided with Hermione so Ron just threw away his wand and lunged at me. I was too surprised to cast Protego so I just stood their and tried to defend myself from his punches. Then Lavender joined in. I was about to get killed but Ginny appeared and blasted them off me. Then she took my arm and apparated here."

"Where's Ginny?" Fred asked,


Fred went out the shop and exclaimed "Fuck! What on earth happened to you?"

Ginny was alive and well, but she had a bruise the size of an apple on her eye. Her eye was swollen and shut and bleeding quite a lot. It was a terrible shade of purple and black. "I never knew Ron could throw such a punch."

"That stinky little git, I will have a talk with him, a long long talk."

"I'm coming." Unoticed by the two, Hermione came out after healing Harry's cuts and bruises.

"No, you won't, Ron will try to kill me and I prefer not to drag you into the whole buisness."  

"Yes I will" Hermione shot back with a withering glare. Fred cringed but he retorted. This went on for several minutes until Ginny was about to blow.

"STOP! HERMIONE IS COMING SO STOP BICKERING LIKE A BUNCH OF THREE YEAR OLDS AND GO!" Fred shot a furious glance at Ginny and raised an eyebrow.

"Fine, but take care of yourself Hermione."

"Fine, I will, unlike you." Hermione stomped of and apparated.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Shut up and just go."

Whey they arrived at Ron's house, they were met by spells and jinxes. Then Lavender suddenly tugged on Ron's sleeve,

"I think it's Fred and Ginny."

"Fred, what on earth are you doing here."

"Can't a brother just say hello?"


"Let me guess, you're going to side with Hermione and yell at me."

"No, I'm going to let her do it herself." Fred and Ginny stepped back to reveal Hermione behind them. Ron blushed a deep red while Lavender looked like she was gonna kill her any moment.

"Why did you go with Lavender?" Hermione asked in a cold, controled, voice.

"She's cute," Ron shrugged


Ron could feel the anger smoking inside her.

"And I love him more than you ever did!" All eyes turned to Lavender Brown.

The Weasley's took several steps back while Hermione and Lavender stood furiously together, each bristling with anger. Ron didn't know what to do. Hermione looked like she would screaam bloody murder on Lavender so he just casted Protego and just in time, Hermione tryed to Stun Lavender but it rebounded back to Fred. Hermione turned toward Ron and started casting spell after spell. Lavender knew Ron wouldn't hold out long against her so she joined in. Fred dodged the stunning spell and loooked like he was going to jump on Ron.

"Don't." Ginny said unexpectedly, "She's doing fine herself and you'll just ruin her rhythmn."

Fred studied Hermione while she battled and said "She does have a pretty fine rhythm but do you honestly think I'll ruin it?"

Fred didn't wait to hear the reply and joined the battle. Much to Ginny's surprise, they worked together perfectly and within 30 seconds, had Ron and Lavender petrified and tied up.

"Alright," Ginny said taking charge, "I say we dump them somewhere in South America in a place where you can't apparatate." Everyone could tell she was still mad about her eye but Hermione had other plans.

"Let's just take their wands and leave them here. Then we could go to Harry for some 'consultance'."

"Sure, Why not?"

So the three of them apparated and went to see Harry.

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