Phan Oneshot

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"Dan...?" Phil called, leaning against the doorway as he watched Dan edit their latest Dil video. The air was crisp with a slight cold chill, the boys were wrapped in warm jumpers as the season approached winter.

"Philly," he muttered back, still concentrating on the video.


"Meow," he returned, spinning slightly on his chair, Phil draped his arms over Dan's shoulders as he stood behind him. The boy saved the file and reached his hands to take the other's, leaning his head back into the chair and letting Phil's presence surround him. "You alright?" He snuggled his head against Phil's arm.

"Yeah, just tired." Replied Phil, a warm silence enclosing the moment, "you know that I love you don't you?"

Dan paused. "Of course I do, are you sure everything's okay?"

"It's fine, I just don't think I tell you that enough. You're my best friend Dan, you're everything to me!"

"Phil," he spinned around to face him, their hands still held tightly together. "You don't have to tell me, I already know." A smile crossed Dan's face when he looked up at him. "You look exhausted."

"I am," he confirmed, letting his eyes close gently.

"Shall I make us some hot chocolate before bed?"

"That'd be great, thank you." Phil pulled his hands away to rub his eyes.

"C'mon then," Dan stood up and pulled the other boy by the hand as they wandered down to the kitchen.

Dan started boiling the kettle whilst Phil took a seat on the side of the counter.

"You almost finished the video?" Phil asked softly.

"Should be done by tomorrow morning." The kettle made a little ding and Dan started to pour the water into their mugs. As he stood stirring the drinks he felt Phil's arms wrap around his waist again.

"Oh good," he yawned before resting his chin on the back of Dan's shoulders. "Can I sleep in your bed tonight?"

Dan finished and passed a drink up to Phil as he let go of him. "Of course you can!" They both took a sip, the drink warming their bodies from the cold. Phil gave a tired smile to thank Dan as he took his hand again.

Dan's room was softly lit with fairy lights which hung loosely over the bed's head board. The black furniture gave the room a surprisingly relaxed and peaceful feel. Sometimes the bright colours of Phil's room were too much for him if he wasn't in the best mood, but being with Dan always made things better.

Neither of them were too sure what to call their relationship. In theory they acted like a couple, holding hands and sharing a bed were completely natural for them, but they always said that they were just friends. They liked being in each other's company, holding each other. Phil was happy with what they had, he didn't need anything more. Just Dan. His Dan.

They climbed into bed and snuggled under the duvet, shivering at the sudden chill of the fresh blankets against their bodies. Dan lay cuddling Phil from behind so they could share each others warmth. They lay in a calm silence, Dan locking his fingers with Phil's as they talked endlessly about nothing; YouTube, anime, random animal facts Phil had found on the internet.

"Dan, did you know that squirrels can't vomit?"

"That's lovely to know Phil!" He giggled against the back of the boy's neck.

Phil let out a little laugh before turning silent, he fiddled nervously with Dan's hand, shaking slightly.

"Phil, what's wrong?" Dan asked.

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