Newtmas #1

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"Well, we're lost." Newt says defeated. "You don't say." Thomas replies. They had been walking around the corn maze for at least an hour now thanks to Thomas's stupid dare to not take a map. "And my shoes are ruined." Thomas says grumpily which Newt finds totally adorable. They had been dating since last December when the two of them both confessed their love on Christmas. It had been a perfect day. "Well that's what you get for wearing new shoes into a corn maze." Newt says matter-of-factly. Thomas sighs looking down at his new Vans which were now covered in mud. Newt laughed and said, "Oh quit pouting we gotta get out of this damn thing." "Yeah you're right. OR we could stay here." "What do you mean?" Newt asks. Instead of replying Thomas takes Newt's hands in his own and starts to kiss him. Newt kisses back but when Thomas licks his lip he pulls away. "I am NOT having sex with you in a cornfield if that's what you're saying." Thomas bursts into laughter at Newt's reaction. "I know I just wanted to see what you would do." Thomas says between laughs. They continue walking still with no hope whatsoever as it starts to get dark. Newt shivers and hopes Thomas didn't notice but as always, Thomas never misses a thing. "Are you cold Newtie?" Newt cringes at the name. "First, never call me that. Second, I'm not cold." Newt says it more like a question and Thomas must've realized he was lying since Newt chose to leave the house without a jacket. "Here just use my jacket." Thomas says, already unzipping the front. Newt, not wanting this to be an "I told you so" moment, immediately declined. "But I don't want you to get sick!" Thomas exclaimed unhappily. "If you won't let me give you my jacket then at least let me cuddle you to warm you up." Newt didn't really think of it as such a bad idea since he was already so exhausted. "Fine." He replies, probably a little too eagerly. They find a bench and sit down as close as possible while Thomas wraps his arm around Newt. They sit in a comfortable silence as Newt starts to warm up. Looking up at Thomas's beautiful lips, he gets a sudden urge to kiss them until they're bruised and swollen. So of course, that's what he does. Thomas lets out a muffled sound of surprise but quickly responds to Newt's demanding mouth. Soon enough, they are both moaning into each other's mouths and wanting more. "Let's get out of this fucking maze and get back to the apartment." Thomas says huskily as he pulls back for air. "Hell yes." Newt agrees. They get up and are running faster then they had all night. Apparently, when you're really horny it makes getting out of mazes a lot easier. They finally make it back to their apartment and head straight for the bedroom.
The next morning, Newt wakes up with a naked Thomas right beside him. He tries to get up and head to the bathroom but groans as he feels a sharp pain in his lower body. Thomas wakes up at the sound and smirks as he sees Newt struggling. Newt manages to stand up and Thomas watches as he limps to the bathroom. Let's just say his limping was not because of how fast he was running in the maze.

ayyyye😏. anyway, I kind of haven't really been on wattpad in like 7-8 months and I finally got back on and found this in my drafts. I decided to finish it so y'all better like this one because I'll hopefully be more active and actually update something in the future. also, since I'm still sort of starting up, I don't know if I'll do smut but I will test my abilities soon enough😂

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2016 ⏰

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