Chapter 3

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Freshman year- Day One

"The first day of school is always the best" said June enthusiastically while Lacey looked at her like she was crazy.
"You're only saying that because you're an antisocial loser that does nothing but read all summer, and cuz you missed Kaleb." Teased Lacey.
"No you won't, you love me too much" interrupted Lacey.
"Okay you're right, but my point still stands. I mean come on Lacey this is our first day of highschool. Highschool Lacey, we only have 4 years until we graduate, this is the start of something big"
"melodramatic much? It's only highschool, its not like we're graduating college. I'll celebrate when we both get accepted to any college." As they got off the bus Lacey caught a glimpse of Kaleb and looked disgusted. "Why do you have so many issues with him??" Asked June.
"I'd rather not go into detail, he just isn't one of the people I prefer to socialize with."
"Ohmigod. He's coming over here. What do I do? Do I look okay? Why is he coming over here?" June paincked
"I would say 'be cool' but that wouldn't do much good" Lacey said between laughs. "Hey there Juniper" Kaleb said in a deep voice, while acknowledging but not saying anything to Lacey.
"Oh hey there, Kaleb I didn't see you there" June said despretly trying to act cool, but obviously failing. June wasn't the only one having issues keeping it together, Lacey was trying her hardest to not start laughing hysterically.
"So what did you guys do all summer?" Asked Kaleb, while trying to get away from the really awkward introductions that just happened.
"Oh ya know the usual, hung out with friends, went to a few parties, and some other stuff that doesn't really matter".
"June why are you still trying to act cool...come on Everyone knows all you did last summer was read, and people would know if you went to a real party". June just glared at Lacey for what seemed like an eternity for Kaleb who really wanted out of this situation that he had gotten himself Into. Luckily his wingman, Josh stopped and pulled him out. As soon as the girls were out of earshot Kaleb thanked his friend a lot. "Dude that was sooooo awkward, June definitely likes me"
"Wait did you really not know that?? Come on man that girl has liked you since 6th grade, ask her out already." Said Josh trying to convince Kaleb, even though they both knew it wouldn't work.
----------------------------- Lacey
Okay time out, let's get something crystal clear. Yes June likes Kaleb (ugh). I however hate him, a lot. He did something that I will never forgive him for, I honestly don't even know if he knows what he did. Anyways I know that the only thing that will happen from those 2 dating is a broken heart, and it won't be Kaleb's.
--------------------------------------------------------- "Lacey, ya know how I said I wasn't going to murder you....WELL NOW I AM!!!!!!! how could you say that in front of Kaleb, I mean ya everything I said was a lie, but come on?!?!?!?!?!"
"I CANNOT believe how awkward that was...and your the queen of awkward!!" As they all parted ways to go to their separate classes the girls couldn't help but laugh at how horrible that conversation went, that was bad but everything is bad on the first day.

Hellooo my lovelies sorry that chapter took me so long but hey its longer than every other chapter so ya lope u liked it

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