Day 5: after school

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////Okay so this usually comes after the chapter but I have a formatting idea and I wanna see if you guys like it or of it just doesn't really go well . Leave a comment and tell me what you think Please!!!!

Lacey: Okay June we have a major issue. I may have fallen in love with a 400 dollar camera...
June: Okay phew I thought it was something serious.
Lacey: Oh fuck you, its not like you even know what the hell I'm talking about.

June: okay so you should probably know something else about Lacey that she isn't to keen on sharing. She is an AMAZING photographer, I mean if you saw some of the landscape pics she's taken you would know. The photos are gorgeous, and crazy detailed. She has this one candid picture of me that I love and I don't look good in candid pictures.

June: Okay but still its not like a life and death situation.... Its a camera. I'm gonna get killed for saying that aren't I?
Lacey: Yup. Okay I get that you don't understand cameras but, just think if all the pics I take now are from my phone, what could I do with a DSLR camera?? I mean let's think about this logically.
June: ya okay. So I just got a text from Kaleb's ex Maria...
Lacey: Wait....rly?! What the hell could she even want? No rly what does she want
June: ummm well I'm pretty sure its a says WORD FOR WORD " Stay the hell away from Kaleb! He isn't your man so just back the fuck off." She even used a few choice emojis that I didn't even knew existed...
Lacey: um oh okay then?? Wtf is wrong with that girl? Didn't they break up last spring??
June: ya... I thought they did but there's been a rumor that they got back together...
--------------------------------------------------------- June: Hey um this might be an awkward question but are you and Maria back together??
Kaleb: OH MY GOD! NOOOOOOOOO what made you think that???!!!??!?!?!!!
June: umm well there's a rumor going around that u guys got back together...
Kaleb: Hell no. Never again. That girl is a freaking mental case and belongs in an institution.
June: don't u think that's a little harsh?? I mean she was ur girlfriend at one point in time.
Kaleb: okay maybe a little but no joke this girl has MAJOR problems...
June: okay well I'm gonna read now.
Kaleb: really?? R u that anti-social? Jk
June: but I was in the middle of a really good book lol
Kaleb:sent u always in the middle of a good book??
June: well yes but.....but that's because I read so much...I mean well I find good books that I can put down. It really kills my battery. XD
Kaleb: okay I'll let u read again. C u tomorrow.
--------------------------------------------------------- Lacey: JUNE WHERE THE HELL DID U GO?!!?
June: sorry I was getting answers from Kaleb.
Lacey: soo basically u talked to the guy that Maria told u not to talk to?? Is there something that you DONT understand about threats?! Its pretty simple... do what the person who is treating you wants. Geesh I thought that was pretty self explanatory.
June: but what your forgetting is that her threat is invalid if they aren't together....which they aren' her threat is irrelevant. See
Lacey: okay so you saved ur ass this time but what about next time?? What then?
June:I'll figure it out when I get there I guess...
Lacey: okay fine but for the record I thought that this would backfire. Lol
June: lol okay so um not to be rude or anything but can I go back to reading now??
Lacey: wow. Ya that's fine I should go write that book I've been working on, ya know the one that I can't to jack with because it doesn't have plot line...

Wow okay my lovelies sorry it took Mr so long to update this. PLZZZZ don't forget to comment on the formatting for this chapter! I really want to hear what you guys think!! Thank you guys so much for reading!!

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