Chapter 1

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(Jean's Pov)

"Come on Dads, I wanna get there on time!" FREEZE!! Yes i said dads, no they are not gay lovers, they are best friends that adopted me together many years ago. They are both happily married with other kids. UNFREEZE. "Jean we have plenty of time, besides we have a reunion tonight." "Wait you are having a Degeneration-X reunion today!?" Shawn says "Yes, now calm down Kiddo and go find Hunter." "Okay Dad." I kiss his cheek and run to find my Daddy. "Daddy!" "In here Pumpkin." I walk in and Daddy is sitting on the couch with his famous sledgehammer. "Daddy we gotta leave, and no you can't bring Hammy." He puts Hammy in her case and we get in the Limo. We get to RAW. I run inside to find Grandpa. "Papi! Papi! Papi!" i stop and see my best friend Celeste Beryl Bonin(Kaitlyn). "hey Cel you seen my Papi?" "he's in his office." "Thanks Kait" I run to his office. I run in his door yelling "Papi!" I jump on his lap and hug him. He chuckles. "Princess, I'm in a meeting." "Sorry Papi, just excited to see you." "Boys have you met my Granddaughter Jean?" i look and see 3 boys, Punk, Orton, Cena, and Sheamus. I jump on Punk "Phil!" He hugs me and says "Hey Princess." I see Orton. I jump on him "Randy!" "Hey Princess." Cena says "I see how me and Sheamus rank" "Johnny, Shay-Shay!" i jump on them both and hug them. Johnny says "Hey Princess." and Shay-Shay says "Hey Princess." I stand up. The boys are still staring ar me. I don't like it so i cross one eye and stick out my tongue. The big one and the 2 toned hair one chuckle. The last one is still staring. Oh well. "i'll see you later Papi. Boys." Everyone but the three boys say "Bye Princess" Yeah so you're probly wondering by everyone calls me Princess. It's because that's my ring name. Yep i am a WWE Diva. I may not act it but i'm 18 years old. I just like being goofy. I go and get in my attire. It's a mixture of AJ's and Lita's. I look at the board. Great I'm in a 2 on 1 handicap match against Rhode Scholars. Yeah i wrestle against the men. What do you expect i'm Triple H's and HBK's Daughter they trained me? I haven't had a title shot yet but i want one. "Princess!?" Princess!?" I look and see my friend AJ Lee. "Yeah AJ?" "Your match got cancelled." "why?" "Because they need more time for your dads' RAW reunion." "Fine but i'm not happy about it." I walk down the dark hallway to find my boyfriend. I knock. The door opens. I shut the door and turn on the light. "God Mark can't you ever be not creepy?" He just chuckles his Demonic chuckle. I say "I wanna Kiss." He kisses me. He picks me up and spins me. "Taker! Put me down!" He does. Yep i'm dating the Undertaker. My Dads and Papi aren't too happy because he just divorced Michelle McCool, but tough noodles. He pulls me on his lap and smells my hair. "You smell good." "You are so odd sometimes. I always smell good to you." He smiles. "Sooo, my match got cancelled." He frowns. He sets me on my feet and gets up. "Just let it be Taker, there's nothing we can do about it." He nods but won't sit. "Hon, What's bothering you?" He sighs. "Michelle wants to get back together." "You still love her don't you? And please be honest." "Yes." "I knew it. It's okay, Mark. Go back to her. I'll be fine." He hugs me. I leave the lockeroom. I'm crying and not watching where i'm running. I hit someone and they fall on their butt, but i keep running. All i saw was black.

(Roman's Pov)

That girl was funny. I think Dean likes her by the way he was staring. "Oof" I fall on my butt. I look and see the girl crying and still running. Seth and Dean are looking from me on the ground back to where the cryin girl ran. I stand up. Seth says "Someone created an Injustice." Dean says "We will hurt whoever made her cry." I nod.

(Jean's Pov)

I stop running. I see Dads' lockeroom. I run in there. My Dads see me. Daddy asks "Pumpkin what's wrong?" I just fall to the floor. Dad asks "Are you okay Kiddo?" I sit there. I'm not cryin, or movin, or even blinkin, just sittin there. Daddy and Dad are trying to snap me out of it, but it's not working. "Hunter go get Vince." Daddy leaves. He comes back 5 minutes later with Papi. "Princess what happened?" I don't say anything. Papi says "You boys aren't gonna like this, but only one person can get through to her right now." Daddy says "NO! We are not bringng him here." "Hunter it's the only way." They nod. Papi leaves. He comes back with Glenn (Kane). Kane kneels in front of me. My eyes snap to him. "Jeanie Girl please come out of it?" My eyes snap to his hands. He sighs. He puts his hands in mine. He stands me up. "Peanut please come back out to me?" I blink a couple of times. "There you go. Come on Kitten almost there." I blink some more, and open my mouth. "The last little bit Tiger come on." I say "Mark went back to Michelle." Kane hugs me. "It's alright Princess, glad to have you back." He sets me on the couch. He looks at my Dads and Papi. "I will chokeslam you if you tell of my soft side with her." They nod and he leaves. They all hug me. "I'm leaving. I'll see you in a bit." I get changed and grab all my stuff. The limo drives me home. I grab enough of my stuff to last for a couple months. I get in my Green Mustang Charger. I drive to Washington D.C. I pull into his driveway. His door opens after a minute. I get out and hug my friend. "i'm Guessing you need a break?" I nod. "you can stay here as long as you need." "Thanks Davey." "No Problemo Princess." "You're so weird Batista." "I know."

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