Chapter 2

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Months Later


(Jean's Pov)

"Thanks again Dave." "it's no problem really. Now go get your hiney to RAW." I drive home get my RAW stuff and head to RAW. I get dressed in my 

lockeroom. This will be my first RAW in a couple of months. I'm streching. I look at the board. I have a tag match with Beth against Kelly Kelly and 

The Miz. Totally ready for it. "Monster" by Skillet hits and noone has a clue that it's me. My music used to be "I will not bow" by Breaking 

Benjamin. I come out and the fans go wild. The 3 in the ring look at me. Beth smiles knowing that i'm her partner, but Miz looks scared at my pissed 

off stare. I walk to the ring. I yell to Beth "I'm startin." She gets on the apron. Miz is in the ring with me. I beat the crap out of him and when 

Kelly gets near me i knock her out with my KO Punch. I pin them both for the 3 count. Beth leaves up the ramp. The trainers come and get the other 2. 

I get a mic and sit indian style in the middle of the ring. "I'm Back!!" I smirk as they go crazy. "Now ya'll are probly wonderin about why i 

suddenly left. Yeah? Okay i'll tell you. I needed a break. I just went through..." "Seirra, Hotel, India, Echo, Lima, Delta~SHIELD" I stand up and 

throw the mic down. They get in the ring. I'm so not in the mood right now. Dean gets a mic. "Nice to see you back Princess. We have some questions 

for you." Seth says "First. Like the justice we served your ex-boyfriend?" It shows them attacking Taker. "Though it does feel good knowing he got 

what was coming, it's still not right. So no i don't like it Rollins." Reigns says "Join the SHIELD." I look at them and says "What?" Ambrose looks 

at them then at me and says "We want you to join the SHIELD. You have till Smackdown for your answer." They go back up the stairs. I sigh, and go 

backstage. Daddy comes up to me. "You will not join the SHIELD! You stay away from them!" I just walk away. He grabs my arm. "Don't walk away from 

me when i'm talking to you young lady!" I pull my arm out of his grip and turn around to leave. He spins me and slaps my face really hard. I have a 

handprint on my cheek. I feel blood. I just shake my head and just walk away. I know Dad is here somewhere. I find him in catering. I run and bury 

my head in his shoulder. I'm bleeding on his shoulder. He picks my head up and looks at me. "You're Bleeding! Who did this to you?" "Daddy did." 

"Hunter did this?" I nod. Now the tears start. They have never hit me before in my life. I get off Dad's lap. "Trainer." is all i say. I'm walking 

to the trainer when i run into someone. I'm about to fall but arms wrap around my waist saving me. I look up at Dean Ambrose. He sees my bloody face 

and gets this angry look in his eyes. "Who did this?" "My father." Seth asks "Which one?" "Hunter. He slapped me after telling me to stay away from 

you guys." Dean nods. He lets me go. They stalk off. I head to the trainers. The trainer is not happy. "It's fine Leo, just stitch me up so i can go." 

"I hate stiching you up, you hate needles." "Then give me butterfly stitches." So he does and I leave. Hunter comes up to me upset and bleeding. 

"Jean i'm so sorry. I don't know what came over me. Can you please forgive me Pumpkin?" I hug him and say "I already forgave you, I just can't trust 

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