Dinner with the Fletchers- The accidental slip

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After I had finished prancing around my room little an excited 3 year old, I decided to ring my best friend Ellie to tell her all about Nathan! Okay maybe 'best friend' was a bit of an understatement Ellie was practically my sister and one of the family. Me and Ellie had been best friends since we were six and have been inseparable ever since! My mum and dad like to call her their adopted daughter, there wasn't anything I couldn't tell her. I'd even trust her with my life.

But before I had chance to pick up my phone my ring-tone Big mouth strikes again- Morrissey started playing and the caller ID 'My little sheep' flashed up on my Iphone. Seeing this as my caller ID for Ellie always made me chuckle as it reminded me of the time that I went out with this boy 'Bradley' and he called Ellie my little sheep because Ellie was always there when he was.

After my mini laughing fit stopped so did my ring-tone. CRAP! I quickly picked up my phone and rang her back! It only rang once before I was greeted by a familiar squeal. " Jamie-kins!"

" Hey Ells sorry I missed your call is was-"

" To busy laughing at the caller ID no doubt! I know you too well Jamie, I was calling to see if my Shepard had any plans today?"

" As a matter of fact I was just about to ring you to tell you about my eventful morning, but seen as your telepathic you beat me to it!"

After 2 hours of listening to Ellie screeching down the phone I decided that I better go get ready for tonight. " Look Ells i've got to go, I have exactly 3 hours till they arrive for dinner and I still need a shower and get ready!"

" Okay Jamie, make sure you text me throughout the night to keep me updated! If not then ring me when they leave? good luck chicken adios"

" Bye"

In the shower all I could think about was Nathan, how perfect he looked and how every time our eyes locked he made me go weak at the knees. However I couldn't help but think about what he was hiding, why was he so hard to get through to? there was something that he was troubled about and it pained me to see it, I had to help him.

Once I got out the shower I decided to have my hair down and keep my make-up neutral but slightly noticeable at the same time, however it took me way longer than expected to choose my outfit. " Jamie there here!" bellowed my mother from the bottom of the stairs.

" Coming mum!" CRAP! there here and I still don't know what to wear, I fanatically raided every part of my wardrobe to find something acceptable. Finally after 10 minutes of looking I found a black cocktail dress that I brought last year and hadn't even worn it, I tried it on hoping that it still fit and luckily it did, perfectly in fact! The dress was tight enough to outline my curves, however it still looked sophisticated and casual. I finished my look off with a pair of dolly shoes and a pair of crystal earrings that my parent brought me last month as a reward for achieving straight A's in my exams.

" Hunny, we're going to sit outside on the patio, we'll see you down there and please don't be long!"

" Yes mother i'm coming down now anyway." I walked downstairs trying to get myself mentally prepared to see him again. Although, this time I was going to make him come out of his shell and talk to me without his sarcastic and cocky attitude.

Once I reached the kitchen I heard rustling and the bang of cupboard doors, someone was either very angry or couldn't find what they were looking for. I sneakily poked my head around the door frame to see a very angry Nathan running a hand through his dark hair. Immediately I panicked at the thought of having to walk past him.

Finally after plucking up the courage I walked past him. I tried to look relaxed and sophisticated but all of that went out the window when I tripped on the corner of the door and landed face first into the kitchen floor.

I opened my eyes to see none other than Nathan himself. I just wanted to wrap myself into a ball and die right there from the humiliation. " Jamie....Jamie are you okay?" his hand grasped my shoulder sending sparks and tingles running through my body. Suddenly his eyes widend as he released his grip. What was up with him did he feel those sparks too?

" WHAT!" maybe snapping at him wasn't the best way to react but his electric eyes were piercing through me, his face pale like he had just seen a ghost.

" I..um..I y.you hit your head it's bleeding" he swallowed hard like there was a lump in his throat that wouldn't disappear. " Here let me help you up"

I was pulled into his muscular arms as he lifted me off the ground damn he smelt amazing. " Thanks, is it bad?"

He looked back up at my head before shaking his head " No it's not that bad, let me clean it up. Lucky for you I know how to deal with this sort of stuff"

" Is that meant to reassure me, cause it sure as hell isn't working!"

" haha, very funny" He pulled me over to the sink with a hand around my waist for support so I didn't fall again, and i couldn't help but notice how safe and warm I felt in his arms. He let out a long shaky sigh " Where's your first aid kit?"

" Erm bottom draw next to the cooker"

He hauled out the first aid kit and planted it on the marble worktop. He pulled out what looked like some antiseptic wipes and a tube of savalon. " Now this may sting-"

"ARGH! Jesus!" I interrupted, he was wiping the antiseptic wipe over my cut, god it stung like hell!

" Quit being a baby, it doesn't hurt!"

" Well why don't we do the same to you and then see if you still think i'm being a baby then" I stuck my tongue out at him, JERK!

He shook his head and chuckled lightly, whilst picking up the savalon and smearing it over the cut. " See there we are, there was no reason to get your panties in a twist."

" Shut up" I replied he may be the most gorgeous looking guy ever but he sure is annoying. I picked up the first aid kit and stuffed it back in the draw. I could feel his eye burning holes in the back of my head. I cautiously turned around.

" Well aren't you going to say thank you?"

" Erm.. thanks"

" Next time try not to fall for me so hard." he chuckled, but before I could say anything about his cocky and arrogant attitude he had already walked out onto the patio. Urgh why does he have to be so god damn cocky all the time! I reluctantly followed him out onto the candle lit path.

This night is certainly going to be interesting.


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