Excuse me, Sir? - Henson King

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World Stop....

A/N: Now before you go and dislike Henson. I specifically made his character to be that way. I wanted him to be a difficult person that doesn't make the right choices. Kind of like a anti-hero or a amoral protagonist. Eg, Light Yagami from Death Note. We all know his choices are wrong but he believes they are right, because it fulfills his own selfish goal. Ok, got it? Henson is supposed to be that way.  Because people are that way.

Carry on....

Okay let's start with a little introduction about me. My name is Henson King, I'm 25 years old and I work at a coffee shop.

I'm gay, happy, single and I'm proud of being single because being single means more money in my pocket on Valentines Day. Thank you very much.

As I walked into work, my phone started to ring. I answered without checking to see who was calling.


"Hey Henson, it's Jessica."

"Hi Jess, what's up?"


I rolled my eyes. When she pauses before she speaks she wants something.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"Well, Valentines Day is coming up and I just came back from Miami today, so was wondering if you'd go out with a double date with me, my boyfriend Kevin and his friend John." She rushed out the sentence without taking a second to breathe.

"No Jessica. You know I don't do dates. Much less double dates, the last double date I went on with you was a disaster."

"Oh come on Henson live a little. Don't let one double date ruin them for you."

"I am living Jessica."

"You can't be single for the rest of your life, Henson."

"Okay I'm single and I'm perfectly fine with that. I will die single. I'll be a lonely cat lady and die that way."

"You don't own cats." She sighed.

"Ugh! That's besides the point. My point is I will be single, for as long as I please."

"Okay, fine. I won't force you any more."

"Thank you." I said as I walked into the staff room. Hanging my bag on the hook in my locker. The door to the staff room slammed open and I turned to see the manager Tim staring at me. He looked angry.

"Jess, hold on."

"At 6:15, you walked through the door. At 6:17, you answered your phone and at 6:30 you are still talking on your phone when we open in 10 minutes."

I rolled my eyes.

Stalker much, watching my every move.

"Ok, security camera. I'm done talking." I put the phone back up to my ear. "Jess, I'll call you after work."

"Ok, sweetheart." She said and then she hung up.

Tim glared at me one final time. "It's only because you're the best worker we've got why I haven't fired you because you spend too much time on your phone."

"I know, I know. Stop reminding me every time I come in for my shift." I said, taking out my uniform and slamming my locker door shut.

"Hey! If it breaks I'm taking that out of your salary." With that he left.

I changed into my uniform and pinned my name tag to my shirt. I ran my hand through my hair before walking out the staff room and behind the counter.

The Big Bad Wolf's Mate (BoyxBoy/Mpreg/AU) UNDER EDITING Where stories live. Discover now