Accident - Alex Pierce / Henson King

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It's been 4 weeks since Alex and Henson have had sex, and they have been working on their relationship. With Henson it's a work in progress due to his trauma.

Alex POV

I had upset him and he ran. I could be so selfish. I stood there for a few minutes shocked that he slapped me.

"What are you waiting for? Go after him."

I didn't need to be told twice. I started running and chasing after him. "Henson!"


He ran through the pathway in the woods that lead back to the city. "Henson, stop running!"

We reached the main road. "Henson, stop!"

He dashed into the road just as the the light turned green. "Henson!"

He stood there like a deer in headlights as a large truck came toward him. The truck honking like crazy because it was too late to pull the brakes.

I dashed in front of the truck and pushed Henson out the way but it was too late for me.

The last thing I saw before I blacked out was the sky above me as my body flew from the impact of the truck.

Henson POV

I stood there like an idiot staring at the truck as it closer. I felt myself being pushed out of the way. I landed hard on my arm, I grunted in pain.

I glanced back just to see the truck hit Alex and his body flew through the air and landed hard on the ground.

I got up with extreme difficulty and made my way over to him. He laid on the ground in a pool of his own blood. His eyes were closed as he laid there.

I wasn't even sure if I saw him breathing.

I knelt next to his head and placed his head in my lap. I held him and cried.

A crowd of people had gathered around me and were whispering.

"Some one call an ambulance. He could be dying and all of you are just standing there!"

I saw someone pull out their phone.

I held him tighter in my arms, his blood staining my white shirt, but I didn't care. All I cared about at this point was that he had to make it out alive.

I soon heard the loud siren of the ambulance.

"Alex, it's gonna be alright. You'll be fine." I wiped my tears, and held him to me. "You'll be just fine."

The paramedics took him from me and placed him on the stretcher. A female paramedic wrapped me in a blue towel. "Are you ok, sir? Are you hurt anywhere?"

"My arm hurts but more importantly is he going to be ok?"

She didn't answer me.

"Is my boyfriend going to be ok?"

"Sir, please board the ambulance. They'll answer all your questions at the hospital."

She then left and climbed aboard the ambulance. I too did the same thing, the whole time, I was holding Alex's hand tightly.

We were soon at the hospital, where there was a team of nurses and doctors waiting.

Everything was very hectic, I was shocked and didn't know what to do.

"Prepare the OR, he'll need to undergo surgery. Get him some blood transfusions, he lost a lot of blood. It looks as if one of his lungs might be punctured."

The Big Bad Wolf's Mate (BoyxBoy/Mpreg/AU) UNDER EDITING Where stories live. Discover now