Life is unpredictable!!!!

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When i was kid i do have lots of wishes like play in rain, climbing the top of tree, shout and run between trees in a big forest, eating ice creams while playing in rain, sharing my lunch box with my friends in school, being social with everyone and etc.,
I love my family more than anything still sometimes i wish i shouldn't born in a rich family like this.
My family loves me more than anything still they are over protective.
When i was in school i like to go to school through bicycle along with my friends but even when my school was very near to my house i have to use car to go to school.
Because of that all of my classmates even my friends always treat me different from them which i hate the most.
But who could argue with my dad??
My dad is the best in this world.
If i ask him for a remote car to play he will get a real car for me but i don't get understand what a eight year old do with a real car??
Even though i get whatever i want in next minute like i before said i used to play in rain but not in real rain, my family worries about my health and they make arrangements for a artificial rain with hot water.
That time in my heart i felt to shout that "I didn't asked for a hot shower and i want to play in rain".
But i can't get to say anything because they would start to take lecture for me if i say anything.
They allow me to climb the tree but they place big net under the tree to save me from getting wounds when i was fall from there.
I got sick of their overprotective.
So in my mind i started to live in my own world.
In my world i'm the queen of my dreams.
Nobody could bring hot water when I wish to play in real rain or either place a net under the tree when i'm climbing the tree.
In my world Moon is my bestie and she knows the real me.
And moreover being hopeless romantic i had adopted an another moon from god to present my bestie.
Even in my dream world i don't want anyone to be alone without their love ;)
So I started to do all my rejected wishes as mischievous at school.
My parents answer my principal for my mischievous when i was busy thinking about what'd my next mischievous thing to do!!!
I love to make new friends that my sportive character and being mischievous helped me to get a good image and kind of good impression between students.
That's weird!!!!
When i was 13 my dad all of a sudden left us.
That really beaten me so badly.
I felt like i lost everything.
As everyone i used to see my dad as my first hero.
My mom was all broken.
My total family lost all their happiness.
I never saw anyone of my family like that before with dull and crying faces.
So i decided to be strong.
I went to my mom and sisters and show them how strong i am and asked them to be strong because even from heaven my dad don't want to see us all crying like this.
I did my best to make them all happy.
Finally they started to get over that or at least i believe like that.
I ask them all to be strong but i lock myself in my room and cry for all night with my pillow without anyone in my side to tell me that everything going to be okay!!
Or else i go to bathroom and cry before the mirror thinking about my dad.
I love that man very much.
I missed my dad very much.
But i started to convince myself that my tears never going to bring him back to me.
And i promised myself that i have to fulfill all my dad's dreams to make true.
So i dropped my dream getting graduation in engineering and studied business administration.
Because my dad always wanted me to become a great businessperson.
I started to think myself as a businessperson and appreciate myself.
When I was 18 i got the chance to prove me as a businessperson and with god's grace i proved.
Now i'm nearing my thirties I do have a family, my own business, my own identification, my lovable son, my love, my true friends and everything.
When i look back in my life i could see lots of loses, pains, hurts, scars, cheating, fake relationship, selfish people and so on but that all made this person who standing before you!
This successful businessperson Suganthi Gowda didn't born as successful, life made her as successful with the lessons and experience.
Because of my failures and pains i could feel what is the real success in business, love and life too.
That all pains made me as a better person.
So through this i really want to tell you all that in our life everything happen for a reason!
Please be patience until your turn come towards you.
When you are clear you don't miss any good things you get.
So don't keep on worrying about what you had lost in past because future holds best things for you.
God never close the door before giving the key to next door but all we have to do is trust him.
God never fails!!!!
True love heals anything in our past!!!!
Love and love forever!!!!
Live, let live!!!!

With Best Wishes,


Thank you all for taking your time to read about me!!!!!
Loads of love to you all......

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