Doctor Who?

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"Ember Amelia Smith!" The man or creautre kept screaming as I shoved my way through the innocent New Yorkers. Every fiber in my body itched too turn and look at the creature, but this voice who says his name is The Doctor, says don't. Why? Why should I listen to this Doctor? He probably brain washed me to be in my mind. Or maybe I am being a complete crazy about this whole thing? I mean what kind of name is the Doctor?

As I turned to look over my shoulder, lighting striked across the sky making people shriek in suprise. The lights flickered and dimmed as the windows shuddered as if the chilled air affected them. "Ember Smith! I won't hurt you?"

Yeah right! The whole act of "No I'm not going to hurt you" usually means "Stop so I can slash your throat open and eat your organs". No thank you I like to live! I'll just keep running.

When my hands clutched the cool metal of the glass cafe door, a crack of lightning broke through the dark illuminating the bright glow of the place I called home. The place I found comfort in, but had been trying to escape from for the past few days. It was as if I was suffocating under the glow of the lights and the millions of bodied that swarmed the streets. For my whole life I remember the city being the same old hustle and bustle. And I never stopped to smell the roses or just sit still, hell I was still rushing around trying to find this blue box. Was I ever going to stop and just sit still?

I was snapped back to reality as I felt my self be shoved forward to fall to the damp pavement. My elbows got the harshest of the blow as they scrapped along the black top, tearing some skin away making them bleed under my sweat jacket. The person, creature, what ever the hell it was, bellowed from above me,"I told you not to run! You better be quick at regeneration for I will kill you for....."

An instinct came over me as I twirled around and without looking kicked at the creature, making my converse sneakers strike something stone hard. Defiantly not human! So, what the hell is it?

The creature chuckled a cold laugh,"Oh, Ember, you should've never done that."

The creature gripped my ankle twisting it at an awkward angle, making me gritt my teeth in pain. The creature chuckled again as it started to drag me away from the cafe and toward the alley. I looked frantically around to see the blue box had gone along with my only savior, also known as the voice in my head. Where was this creature going to take me? More imporatnly why was he stealing me? Did he say regeneration? God my brain does my chest.

I could see in the reflection of a nearby puddle something appearing and the sound had filled the air, the weird wooshing sound. The sound that made me think of the vaccum on high, the sound that made my ear drums ring and made me shutter.

I looked down the alley, but only saw the average trash and dumpsters that had made a home in between the mucky walls. Just like that the creature who still clung to my ankle released sending a sharp pain up my entire leg. I crawled away and could hear him yelling, but not at me.

"You?!? You will not interfer in the business of ....." The voice cut off with a sharp in hail of breath only to leave the distance honking of horns and chatter of people. The pain hit me in waves as I proceeded to crawl up to the building, in an attempt to bring myself to my feet. I clung to the wall made of red aged bricks.

As I tried to bring myself to my feet, I heard someone say my name. The same voice that was in my head that told me to run. The Doctor. Good thing because I think I needed a doctor because my ankle was most defiantly broken. I tried to turn toward the voice, but winced in the process.

"Ember, where are you hurt?" A man with brown hair that was flicked to the side with dull blue eyes and a square set jaw that looked to be clenched as he asked me in a British accent. He wore a dark purrple jacket with a dark colored bow tie and looked to be dressed up for a dance of some sort with a pocket watch to finish it off.

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