Last Chapter 13. Mabel's/Bill's POV

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Mabel's POV

"YAAAAAWWWWWNNNNN!!!" I wake up expecting Bill to be at my side, but he wasn't, I sit up..... I'm at the Shack? I get up still dressed in my white nighty that Bill gave me, "Bill? Bill, what's going on?" I go out the door and go down to the kitchen, what's going on? I hear some noise from down in Stanford's studies, I decide to check it out. I go down and go through the door, "HELLO?" "What? Who's there?" "YEAH, what he said!!" I walk through the door and see, "GRUNKLE STAN, UNCLE STANFORD?!?!" "Mabel?" I run up to both of them and tackle them to ground, "what, how did you get here kid?" "I.. I don't know, do you know what's going on?" we all stand back up, "I don't know Mabel, maybe Dipper did it" "wait, what? What did Dipper do?" "Ahh, kid, he went through the portal to rescue you and he's been in there for like three hours.." I look through the portal, it was Bill's mansion, "no... no,no,no,no,no,no,no, HE'LL KILL HIM!!" "Jeez, chill kid, Dipper wouldn't be able to kill him if he wanted too.." "NOT DIPPER, BILL! BILL WILL KILL DIPPER!! If I'm free then that means Dipper traded his soul for mine, that idiot!!" I start bursting into tears, it was so embarrassing. "Sweetie, if he does have Dipper then there was nothing else he could do..." "no, you don't understand... now that my deal with Bill is off, he can hurt us... he can MAKE Dipper hurt us, ya see, with my deal I put terms in so you guys would be protected *sobs*" I sat on the ground crying, Grunkle Stan sat and hugged me. All of a sudden, Bill appeared with Dipper by his side in chains, Dipper had a chain connected to his neck, two connected to his wrist, another two connected to his ankles and one more around his waist, he was wearing a yellow t.shirt on with a black vest, he still had his cap, he also wore some black shorts and a yellow sock on his normal leg with a black shoe, "I'm.. I'm sorry Mabel, I didn't.. I didn't know..." he hanged his head low with watery eyes, "WELL HELLO PINES FAMILY, how ya doin?" "What do you want Cipher?" Stanford stood up staunching his chest out, "oh you know, just the usual, power, revenge, you know the jist of it..." I didn't make eye contact with Bill, he teleported to my side and held my head up then gently kissed me on the cheek, ".. you don't have to do this you know..." "but I do Star, but don't worry, I won't hurt you..."he whispered, Uncle Stanford grabbed him by his collar, "you touch her again, I'LL TEAR OUT YOUR TONGUE!!" He teleported next to Dipper and grabbed his hair, I couldn't bare to look, "then I'll just TEAR out his.." I could tell he was smiling which made me cry even more, knowing that he's evil to the core but yet, I still have feelings for him... I'm so messed up! Grunkle Stan stood me up, "kid, it looks like you're the only one he won't, you know... tear to pieces, so you have to stop him..." I looked at him blankly, "..but Grunkle Stan, I.. I don't know what to..." "yes you do Mabel, just believe in yourself.... wow that was cheesy," it really was. I put my serious face on and approached Bill, he was holding Stanford in one of his tentacle chains thing," HEY BILL!!" He looked at me, he smiled and let go of Stanford, he flew up to me and stood on the ground in front of me, "yes?" "you have to stop.." his smile stayed as he raised his eyebrow, "oh? And why is that Shooting Star?" I thought for a second, ".. BECAUSE.. because..." "BECAUSE WHY?!" he practically screamed in my face, I knew what to say but it wouldn't come out, he had an angry expression, just as he was about to float off and terrorise my family I grabbed his hands with mine and kissed him right on the lips, his eyes widened as mine shut, just before I shut my eyes I could see Dipper, Grunkle Stan and Stanford shocked with their mouths open. He ended up shutting his eyes and started kissing me back, I used my tongue for the very first time, he was pretty much an expert, when we parted our eyes met and it totally felt like one of those twilight moments.... "NOW!!" I looked around alerted, Stanford had configured the portal to go to another dimension, I saw Dipper run to the studies for safety, I guess while Bill was kissing me he got distracted and accidentally let Dipper go, "it was just a trick? IT WAS JUST A TRICK!!?" Bill was angry and turned red quickly, "NO, I swear I didn't know that they were doing this!!!" He pushed me on the ground and filled his hands with blue fire, he sighted Grunkle Stan but just when he was about to throw it at him the gravity stopped, making him miss, Stanford grabbed my arm, "NO, I CAN'T LEAVE HIM!!" as I tried to get away to get to Bill, the portal started to suck things in... including Bill, we all got to the studies except Bill. I was still trying to get to him but Stanford, Grunkle Stan and Dipper were holding me back, "NO LET ME GO, I CAN'T LET HIM GO!!!" I saw Bill being pulled in, he grabbed a pole but it broke and.... he was gone.... "PINNEEEEESSSSS!!! I'LL GET YOU!!!!" Those were his last words as he was sucked in before the portal shut down, I started crying on the floor, that was it, he was gone......

Bill's POV

I can't believe I fell for that, as if someone could ACTUALLY love me, I landed in the middle of a street in the night, it looked like Gravity Falls but it wasn't, I can tell, "PIIIINNNNNEEESSS!!!" I felt something wet on my face, it was.. it was tears? I've never cried before, I looked around and saw a poster, it said

"The Gleeful Twins

Witness the magical mystery twins featuring LIL O TYRONE GLEEFUL & CUTEY MABEL GLEEFUL!!

Live show times

1:00pm, 12:00pm...."

I smiled evilly "I think I just found my peoples....."


ANDDDDD that's the end for this book, so obviously I'm gonna do a sequel, as you may/maynot have noticed, I'm pretty sick minded when I want to be, but HEY, I'm just thinking about what I would say in these kinds of situations in real life!! :3 I've already started the sequel but won't be publishing till the ENTIRE book is written then I'll just post it all at once!! So excited!! :)

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