Chapter 23 - Boundaries

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Sooo... I've been really busy lately, as you can see. Let me tell you a little something about what happened to me. So I decided to take off the dark brown dye from my hair and go lighter, like I naturally am. Yeah, didn't turn out well. THEN I had to dye it myself to even out the mess I had in my hair. That shit came out weird. Like, two colors on my head. AND yesterday, finally, I had my hair fixed at the salon. Now it's awesome, like caramel colored. Anyhow, yeah, that's why. I've got a two week trip to Europe in less than two weeks and life has been CRAZY. So sorry, guys. 

Please bare with me. (: Hope you like it and that it's not so crappy. I liked this one. Vote, comment, and fan, please!



I woke up to beams of sunlight peering through the windows. The shutters were closed tightly, but light was still able to enter.

I had only to feel the weight of his arms over my body and the warmth of his skin to remember where I was. I was in Cisco’s bed. Naked, sore, and in a state of bliss. I turned slowly onto my side, propping my head onto the pillow. Lying like this, I could look at him as he slept, watch the steady rise and fall of his chest as he breathed. His handsome face was peaceful, lashes resting over his cheeks, his thick, dark brows softly giving away no expression. Every bone and muscle in his body was at ease, his lips only slightly pursed in what I thought was response to a dream. 

This man was the definition of beauty. There was nothing about him I wished to change. 

As he lied here, his bare torso only half covered by the sheets, I felt my heart burst for him. And my core tighten. Despite the soreness I felt from the night’s longevity, I still wanted him with every fiber in my body. I couldn’t get enough.

After I had given him everything for the first time, we dozed for a while. He awoke me in the middle of the night, his erection hard with desire, and wooed me away with hot touches and sweet words. We made love one more time after that, and fell asleep until now. 

I wondered when I’d be this close to him again and felt my heart stab painfully at my chest. I hadn’t felt my eyes water, having been too distracted watching him, and I wiped the moisture away before he woke up. 

I tugged the sheet closer to me, covering my breasts, and let myself breathe in. I could smell the mixture of sweat, cologne, and clean sheets around me, coming together to remind me of one thing; sex. 

Is this how sex smelled? 

It should be bottled.

I breathed out, wanting terribly to feel his skin. Would he awaken if I smoothed my hand over his shoulder? I did it anyway, letting myself marvel at the heat of his hard, smooth skin. It shined darkly underneath mine, sloping subtly over defined muscles every time I inched downward. With every passing second as I slid my hand over his shoulder and down his arm, I felt his muscles tighten, felt him stir in his rest. His presence was powerful, unmistakable, and I knew he  was awake before I reached his elbow. 

I looked up at him, my face heating as everything we did together became present in my mind again. 

His eyes, dark and slumberous, caused my heart to jerk. He propped his head onto his hand and ran the other one through his already tousled hair. It was standing on ends, a dark mess around his face. Lazily, he grinned, the gesture sexy and unnerving. 

“Don’t stop,” he said, taking his arm out from underneath the sheets. The sheets slid down from the movement, baring the trail of dark hair that lead down to his manhood. Just a tug of the sheets and his incredible sex would be exposed. 

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