Chapter 5 - In The Dark

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Hello, lovelies! (: Here's chapter five which took a little while to get up from the stress of a new job and schedule. It's short, I know, but I'll upload soon. Thanks for reading and I hope you like it, please remember to vote, comment, and fan if you do! It really means a lot and I love knowing what you think. Laters, baby! :D <3 


I was starting to wonder if it was becoming a habit of my mother’s to exclude me from things because here she was, once again, talking to my bodyguard without me. Yes, I had overslept today so I hadn’t been here when the conversation started but I couldn’t help but feel degraded and slightly useless. In the dark wasn’t one of my favorite places to be. 

Cisco looked up at me and away from my mom as I entered the living room and deliberately made my presence known. His calm dark eyes were intense and heavy on my skin which became a few degrees warmer. 

“Francisco.” I said in greeting, fighting to keep my composure under his gaze as he quickly looked me over. I wondered what had gone through his head when he did. Did he find me pretty? 

“Good morning, Mila.” His tone was smooth and nonchalant but I could hear the smile in his words; he knew I was upset. 

“Mom.” I greeted, kind of annoyed. She turned, looking at me with disturb in her features.

“Mom?” I asked, panic in my tone. What was wrong? Did something happen? Why was she looking at me that way? Instantly, her expression softened, but her eyes were still... scared. I looked at Cisco to see him wearing his professional mask, his tall and muscled body standing in perfect posture from where he had been talking to my mom. Yet he too gave something away with his eyes. Something stern and dark. 

Now I wanted to an explanation, a one way ticket out of the dark.

“What’s the matter?” I asked, my eyes flicking from Cisco to my mom.

“Mila, Mr. Medina will tell you. I don’t think I can, honey. I’m too tired.” She said, weak and indeed tired. She looked so frail.

I nodded, softening my pointed expression. “Alright, mom, get some rest.” I said, going over to her to kiss her cheek. 

“I will honey. Get everything you need done today and stay by Mr. Medina, here.” Said my mom, walking away to her room and leaving me alone with the overwhelming species of male that was right there. So close. 

“Are you going to eat anything?” Cisco asked, making me look toward him. He stood over me, big and unconsciously powerful. 

“No, not for now. I can’t eat before photo shoots.” I said, starting to walk to the front door, and I felt him right beside me, all heat and muscle.

Cisco scoffed in mocking disbelief, “That is the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard of, Mila. You need to eat if you want to stay alive.” He said.

“No shit, I’m not starving myself. If you’d know anything about modeling then you’d be aware that its a strict rule not to eat before shoots for a couple hours. Bloating isn’t attractive.” I said, rolling my eyes. Cisco chuckled, opening the door for us and once again leaving me baffled at the chivalrous gesture, but not before becoming serious again. 

“You’re right. I know nothing about modeling but I do know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day.” He said, giving me a grin as we walked to the elevators. 

“You sound like a cereal ad.” I said, and Cisco chuckled beside me, the laughter becoming infectious. “Can you tell please tell me?” I asked after my chuckling faded, looking up at him and into his dark eyes. They became serious again. 

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