chapter 2!

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'Ahh my sweet darling you are now mine and only mine.' Levi thought as he looked at you. Though his thought was soon interrupted as he noticed your eyes scanning the room. He let out a slight chuckle which startled you from your thoughts making you look at him with scared (e/c). "My sweet (y/n) I hope you arent trying to figure out ways to escape. You will fail if you try. Which brings me to my rules. I must tell about."

"Rule 1: you never try to escape. If you try well just know ill get you back and you'll be punished.

Rule 2: you'll listen to everything I say and do everything I say.

Rule 3: you will not talk back

Rule 4: dont ask to do anything stupid.

Rule 5: you'll submit to me."

You struggled to try and sit up a little from the handcuffs. You remained quiet and didn't speak, but simply nodded when he was done explaining. All you could think is you were in some deep trouble and had to find a way out and not die and you were scared out of your mind.

"Good girl" levi said kissing the top of your head and he quickly frowned once you shivered from the touch of his lips on your head. "What's wrong love? Smile. You're with me." you didnt want to, but you did to make him happy. You tried to wiggle around a little and suddenly winced as a pain shoot through your hand from how tight Levi had the handcuffs on. A tear trickled down your cheek and you looked at Levi.

Levi noticed and looked at you sitting on top of you straddling your waist."whats wrong love?" levi cooed in your ear.

You looked up at Levi who was straddling your waist and you stuttered. "M-my hurt. Th-the hand cuffs a-are tight"

"Hmm that surely must be a problem. Well if you're a good girl ill take them off, but not until I know you are." levi said in your ear as he kissed your neck.

"L-levi wh-what are y-you ahhh" you squeaked as he bit down on your neck making an unwanted moan come out of your mouth.

"Oh is my love enjoying this. Im only wanting to please you love." he said as he sucked on your sweet spot.

This angered you so you began kicking and ended up kicking him in his area the sun doesnt shine. With your voice shaking you managed to speak. "G-get the h-hell away from me!" you said while gritting your teeth. Suddenly Levi looked a you filled with anger and lustful eyes. Uh oh. What have you done. You tried to back away as much as you could.

Levi gritted his teeth and looked at you a little insane. "Oh (y/n) you shouldn't have done that."Levi smirked. "Now you must be punished."

You shook your head. "L-levi wh-what are you gonna d-do?" you questioned. Suddenly he pounced on you and began kissing you.

"Thats for me to know and you to find out." he said as he started kissing on your neck and lifting your shirt up.

He forced his tongue into your mouth exploring every inch he could. You began to cry thinking of how you knew he was going to steal innocence. 'No!' you thought as you bit his tongue earning you a slap across the face.

"You bitch! If only you would cooperate this would be much more simpler!" he said with anger.

You began to shake at the sound of his anger. It scared you. You had no idea what to do.

"You know what I'll give you two days to decide on how you are gonna approach this. Just know you'll never leave here. You're mine and only mine. Your future is here with me love. Two days." he said in your ear sending shivers down your spine as he kissed your cheek that now held his hand imprinted on your face.

After that he left leaving you alone in the darkness. What were you suppose to do in a situation like this? If you disobeyed god knows what would happen to you. Though if you did obey him he may take advantage of it. You felt tears form in your eyes. NO! Now isn't the time to cry you told yourself. Everything would eventually be okay. Someone would come find you and help you, but for now you had to go ahead and play along with Levi's plan. Maybe if you did it could get you out of these chains and an easier way to find a way to escape his hell hole. Yes! That's it! You'll follow along with his plan, but you won't let him take advantage of you. Not too hard right? You just have to get some sleep. For some strange reason you felt calm now that you had a some what kind of plan. You tried your best to get as comfortable as you could in the bed and closed your eyes to sleep. Everything will be okay. You smiled as you fell asleep in a very uncomfortable position.

(yandere Levi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now