Chapter 7

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After Levi left you sat on the couch and turned your attention to the tv in front of you. It was some football game that was playing and you weren't very into it so you decided to get up and go look around. I mean the only places you really had been was the bedroom and bathroom, so you were quite curious to see what else was around. First you went to the kitchen. You were thirsty so you looked through a few cabinets in hopes of finding a cup. It took you four tries before you going the cabinet that held the cups. Once you got your cup you went into the fridge and grabbed the coke and poured some in your glass. After you finished your drink you went around to explore some more. There really wasn't much for you to explore though.

Once you got to the last door you opened it to reveal a little library place. Your eyes widen in excitement. You use to love to read when you had the free time. You started looking through the books. They were old and dusty and needed to be clean. Which surprised you because back at training Levi was known to be a clean freak. You picked out a book that seemed to be interesting. You blew on it first though to get the dust off. It was titled (favorite book). You shrugged and went to go find a corner for you to sit and read at.

After a few hours of reading you were half way done with the book. You were kind of tired of reading and didn't want to finish the book today, so you stopped where you were and closed the book. You carried it with you out of the tiny library and put it on the kitchen table. "I wonder what time Levi will be back." you thought to yourself. "Maybe I could make dinner for him. Well only so I can keep myself busy you." you told yourself. You looked into fridge to find hamburger meat. Then you looked in the cabinets that held the pasta and sauce you needed. Thats right you were going to make spaghetti. You found the pots and lids and pans your needed. Which sadly took you fifteen minutes to find. You started to try and hurry up not knowing when he would be back. Though about fifteen minutes later you heard a door open. Wherever the exit door was. You didn't really look into where that was. You turned of the stove and took out the bread then turned around to see Levi standing at the entrance with a smirk on his face. "Tch what are you doing love?" he asked you with his arms crossed and staring directly at you. You smiled at him. "I didn't know when you would be back so I thought I could surprise you and make spaghetti and bread!" you said laughing. He walked closer to you which scared you a little, but you tried not to show it. He looked down at the counter which held your mess and glared at it. "Oi what is this?" he said pointing to your mess sounding a little annoyed and angry. "I -I was going to clean it up I just haven't got to y-yet." you stuttered. He looked back at you and uncrossed his arms and hugged you. You were shocked and didn't hug back until he squeezed you a lit tighter bringing you out of your thoughts so you would hug him. "I've missed my love all day." Levi said kissing your head. "Did you miss me darling?" Levi asked you in a seductive tone. You nodded your head which angered him. He squeezed you even tighter making you yelp in pain a little. "I said did you miss me darling?" Levu said in gritted teeth not letting his grip loosen. "Y-yes I did." Levi smirked looking at you helpless and unable to move in his arms. He kissed your head again and sighed. "L-levi." you said. "Yes love?" he asked. "Y-your hurting me." he let go of you quickly which almost made you fall to the floor, but he caught you before you could. "Tch." he said and pulled you up walking away to get two plates. "Go sit." he demanded. You followed his orders and sat at the table. He put food on both if the plates and sat yours down in front of you and his beside yours. You looked at him in curiosity of what he was doing. "Get up." he said. Which you did and moved away just for him to sit in your chair. You still looked at him in confusion. "Alright sit in my lap." he said. "But we..." you started but he interrupted you and glared at you. "I said sit in my lap (y/n) don't anger me." he warned you. You put your head down and walked over to him to sit down in his lap. You were about to grab your fork until he smacked your hand away. "Ow! What was that for?" you yelled glaring at him. He glared back at you with cold and emotionless eyes. "Did I say you could eat?" he asked you. You sighed and looked down into your lap. "No..." you replied. He wrapped hid arm around your waist and pulled you more into his lap to where your feet couldn't touch the ground. (A/N by the way you are a lot shorter than Levi) Levi stared at you for a moment. "You can eat." You smiled getting excited and took a bite of the the food. Levi just watched you as you ate. You stopped and looked back at him. "Are you nit going to eat it?" you asked a little hurt that he wasn't. "It's going to get cold if you don't eat it now." you told him. He still didn't move or say anything. Which angered you. You made food for him and you were being all nice and what was he doing! He wasn't eating it! "You looked away from him trying to control your anger. "(Y/n) look at me." you heard Levi say. You turned around and glared at him. "What?" you spat out. Why were you so angry about him not eating the food you made? He chuckled at you. "Tch brat you are cute when angry." he said while lifting up his fork to eat. You glared at him and then turned back around while he ate.

Once he finished you got off his lap and took the dishes to the sink. While you were washing the dishes you felt Levi's arms snake around your waist. You ignored it and just continued washing the dishes. Levi smirked to himself and started kissing your neck. You shivered at his warm lips touching your cold skin. He noticed and nipped at your neck making you squeak. "L-Levi quit." you said, but it just made him do it again. "I said quit." you gritted your teeth and flicked water at him. He quit and stepped back a little with his arms still around your waist. He then did it again. This time you turned around to face him and glared. "I said quit!" you yelled at him. Which probably wasn't a good idea on your part....

A/N another very long chapter for you all! I know not many of you read the authors note, but to those of you who are or do thank you for reading or voting or commenting or adding this to your reading list! You guys are fantastic!

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