chapter three.

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Mason Vanderbuilt

{Irk, Irk, Irk}
It's 6:00 in the morning. I grunt in displeasure as I slowly get out of bed. I leave my room with my towel hanging over my shoulder. I then walk outside and look over my balcony, of course no one is home. My mom is most likely out somewhere getting high in the streets. I walk into the bathroom and get ready. After showering I go to get dressed. I slip on a blue polo shirt, kaki shorts, and and my sperrys. I grab my bag and walk down the stairs, into the kitchen. I see a note on the fridge.

Went out looking for a job. Don't know when I'll be back, left some money in the jar for pizza. Have fun at school.
Love, mom

"Bullshit." I mumble under my breath. I crumble the paper up and throw it across the room. I throw a pop tart into the toaster and sit down at the table. I pulled out my phone and sent a text to me best-friends, Max and Logan.

Might be late. Gotta take care of some shit. See you when I see you.

I set my phone down as I hear the little sent sound. I pull my hot pop tart out of the toaster and eat it. Once I finish, I close the door behind me and hop into my car. I drive down the street for about 15 minutes and park outside the local postal office. I walk inside and hand the clerk, Mrs. Nancy my money. Mrs. Nancy has been helping me out for as long as I know, making sure that my family bills get paid on time. Without her I'd probably be homeless.
" out of that lasagna I made yet?" She gives me the same concerned look she gives me every week. I do like I always do and grin as if everything is okay.
"Yes ma'am. It was great by the way." I lift a glass container out of my bag and set it on the counter.
"Hold on darling." She walks to the back of the office and lifts another glass container out of her bag.
"This week is baked spaghetti and preach cobbler." She smiles when she says this. She sets down a smaller class container next to it.
"Thank you Mrs. Nancy. I really appreciate this..a lot." I say.
"Don't worry about it honey. Just bring it back when your done and I'll have something else whipped up for you." She smiles, pushing the containers towards me. I smile grabbing the containers and muttering another thank you under my breath, as I walk out of the office. I set the food in the back seat of my car and hop in, driving off to school. Halfway there I hear my phone buzz, I look down and it reads;
"Okay bro. See you."
I toss my phone into the cup holder and continue driving. I pull into the school parking lot 15 minutes later. I grab my bag from the passengers seat and run into the building. Of course I would be late for class my first day as a senior. I run to my 1st block (which is government) as fast as I can. When I reach the door I stop, take a few breaths, and open the door as calmly as I possibly can.
"Nice of you to join us Mr. Vanderbuilt, so glad you could make it." Mrs. Jones said. I rush over to my seat and sit down.

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