Character Notes

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Humfrey Michaels

Aged 19; 5'10'' with short, blonde hair. Was bitten by Mingan after becoming disoriented and severely injured during a solo camping trip in Atikaki Provincial Wilderness. Upon returning to Winnipeg, he experienced extreme hunger and a seizure, followed by the slow onset of a physical change lasting roughly two weeks. Due to his lack of Ojibwe lineage, he was not expected to survive the change.

Humfrey is the only wolv to have light-colored fur.

Nadie Sinclair

Aged 20; 6' tall with waist-length, dark brown hair and a wire-thin frame. A member of the Bloodvein Ojibwe Nation and community, she left the reserve at age 18 to find work in Winnipeg, ending up working at the same retail outlet as Humfrey. She was bitten by Kémé for the purpose of expanding the Atikaki wolv pack, but was later captured mid-change by Doctor Scott Abrams for study.

Due to her Ojibwe lineage, her transformation was much quicker than that of Humfrey's, lasting a little over two days rather than two weeks.

Mingan Tihkoosue

Aged 27. Named after the Ojibwe word for "wolf" (ma'iingan), Mingan was bitten by Kémé during the spring, ten years prior to Humfrey and Nadie being bitten. Upon returning home to Bloodvein First Nation to say goodbye to his family, Scott Abrams, the community doctor at the time, was alerted to Mingan's apparent sickness and forcefully took Mingan to a St. Mary's Clinic. Mingan served as Dr. Abrams' first exposure to the wolv transformation; Abrams incorrectly identified Mingan's condition as a viral bone infection.

Mingan, along with Tara and Spike, were responsible for biting an injured Humfrey, saving his life but at the same time, changing it.

Note: Mingan narrowly avoided being seen by Humfrey during his first trip into Atikaki; however, his muddy paw prints served as a warning to Humfrey that he was not alone in the park (chapter 4).

Trish Tihkoosue

Aged 34. A current member of the Bloodvein Ojibwe Nation and community, as well as the older sister of Mingan Tihkoosue. Employed during the summer months as a park warden at Wallace Lake, on the border of Atikaki Provincial Wilderness. Acting as a human guardian for the Atikaki wolv pack, she interacted directly with Kémé in his human form on several occasions to secure pack interests and to discuss the safety of the pack.

Trish supplied Humfrey with the necessary equipment to return to Atikaki after he was bitten.


Aged 15, mates with Tara. Reddish-brown fur, and overall small stature. One of only two natural-born wolves in known history, and an Omega in the Atikaki wolv pack, Spike was responsible for maintaining the far-flung borders of the pack territory, along with several other Omegas including Tara and Mingan. The three of them attempted to force Humfrey to leave pack territory one night with a howl song at Braybrooke lake; ultimately, they were unsuccessful.

Spike watched over Humfrey for five days after he was bitten, ensuring that he was, in fact, recovering from a severely broken arm and multiple internal injuries. Spike was the first wolv that Humfrey spoke to, and was responsible for guiding Humfrey through the park and home to the wolv den at Black lake.

Despite his seemingly young age, as a naturally born, unbitten wolv, Spike was fully mature by age eleven.

Tara Abenaki

Aged 21, mates with Spike. Reddish-brown fur, and only slightly taller than Spike, Tara was bitten by David (a pack elder) when she was fifteen years old during a week-long fishing trip with four of her friends, just outside of Aikens Lake Lodge. Due to the quick onset of her transformation, she did not return home to Bloodvein before fully shifting into a wolv.

Tara met Spike the first time she set foot in the den; Spike taught her to live in her new body, as well as the laws that governed her new family.

Hutch Sappier

Aged 24; an Alpha and the strongest tracker in the Atikaki wolv pack. Hutch was bitten by elder Jacob when he was seven years old, making him the youngest person to be bitten in to the pack. The biting took place during a wild rice harvest; Hutch was left alone on the shore with his older sister to process rice while several other families crossed the lake to continue the harvest. His sister left him alone for five minutes, during which time, he was found by Jacob and Kémé.

As an Alpha, Hutch is fiercely loyal to the pack and towers several inches above most Omegas. He sports a large scar on the left side of his face, an injured right ear, and grey fur.


Aged 37, dark brown fur. An elder and an Alpha in the pack, David was effectively the second in command, next to Kémé. Adhering strictly to pack law and the desire to be independent from humanity, David deeply detested the idea of biting anyone into the pack, viewing it as a setback to an age-old goal. As a result, he despised Humfrey's introduction into the pack, along with the fact that Humfrey was not bitten in by an elder, but rather by an Omega.

David is willing to do whatever is necessary to move the pack forward as he sees fit, including killing fellow pack members. Aside from Kémé, David is the only wolv to have shifted back into human form.


Aged 40, brown-grey fur. Mated to Alawa. The head Alpha of the Atikaki wolv pack, and the first known naturally born wolv to exist, Kémé was seen as the desired endgame of the pack. As such, he easily arose to the station of head Alpha, commanding the pack with ease. As the leader of the pack, a howl from Kémé is capable of stopping a fellow wolv in its tracks. Omegas are particularly susceptible to this phenomenon, as are people who have not yet completed the change. Several wolves howling together can also create this halting effect.

Kémé was also the first wolv to shift back into human form; he discovered this ability after accidentally ingesting mostoswehk leaves, which had been long thought to be poisonous.

Alawa Harper

Aged 43, grey fur. An alpha, mated to Kémé. Alawa was bitten when she was 14 after being involved in a serious plane crash over Black lake; due to the close proximity of the crash to the den, several wolves were able to find her quickly, biting her to save her from a ruptured gall bladder and a severely lacerated abdomen. Her young age and resilient nature enabled her to survive; her parents, along with the pilot of the aircraft, did not survive the crash. To this day, the aircraft lies at the bottom of Black Lake, and can be seen from the surface during the Spring when the waters are clearest.

Viewed as a matriarchal figure in the pack, Alawa is responsible for running the den when Kémé and David are not present.

Doctor Scott Abrams

Aged 57; 5'8 with short, grey hair. An ER doctor and a virologist, Abrams was unknowingly the first person outside of Bloodvein First Nation to be exposed to the existence of the wolves when he attempted to treat Mingan. After his daughter disappeared, exhibiting identical symptoms to Mingan, he began searching for the cause of the "disease." As both Mingan and his daughter, Maria, had obvious bite marks, he correctly assumed that their conditions had been caused by an interaction with some kind of animal.

Over the years, Abrams repeatedly entered the Bloodvein First Nation community, searching for Mingan's body in the hopes that he would be able to learn more about the disease from Mingan's remains. This earned him a bad name among the community members and eventually resulted in him being banned from the area permanently, a ban which he ignored.

Abrams also had several traps placed throughout Atikaki, and many animals over the years, including ten wolves. He only became aware of the true nature of what he was dealing with after Humfrey showed up at the hospital, and then later, when Nadie was captured in Bloodvein.

Maria Abrams

Aged 17, daughter of Scott Abrams and an Ojibwe woman. She was bitten by Kémé while on a Spring camping trip along the far eastern border of Atikaki, next to the Ontario border. The onset of her change was much slower than Tara's or Nadie's, giving her time to return to Bloodvien to bid her farewells to her mother.

Maria was killed by the change as she traveled down the Bloodvein River. Her body was never found. Her disappearance served to drive her father, Scott, to become obsessed with finding the cause of her death.

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