One year of Wolves

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Hey there!

As of today, April 27, 2016, it has been exactly one year and seven days since I began writing "Wolv."
Pop open the champagne! (I would, if I had any.)

Over the course of the last 372 days, Wolv has garnered 16.7 thousand reads, averaging 45 reads a day. A sequel, "Ice," has also been published and completed in that time, continuing the story.

Oh, and "Wolv" was also ranked for a short time-- #909 in werewolf. Now, given just how many werewolf stories are out there...I'm beyond thrilled! Top 1,000! Yeah! (For only a day or two, but still!)

I cannot say thank you enough to everyone who has taken the time to read, vote, comment, share the story, or even all of the above--y'all are great!

There is one final story in the works, which will finish the series. It is going to be partially written from Nadie's perspective, detailing her journey this time as well. As such, I haven't quite decided if I'm going to make it two separate works...we'll see!

Anyways, thank you all again! I never thought that the story would come this far when I began writing it!

Anyways, thank you all again! I never thought that the story would come this far when I began writing it!

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On an interesting side note...last summer, after Wolv had been nearly completed, I had the unfortunate opportunity to get stuck in the middle of a my a storm. Let me tell you, that was more than a little bit freaky, given that I'd written about a similar event in Wolv prior to it actually happening. My mind did in fact wander back to chapter 5 at the time.

It didn't help.

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