Chapter 1

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Emily P.O.V

Today was the day where all the new kids find out what class they are in and their registration teachers, even though I was not new I was there and that was because my mum was helping and telling people things they might want to know.

The headmaster had called to say that the assembly had started and for everyone to head to the seats in the gym. I started to walk slowly and let all the new people get the seats and so that left me to stand. The headmaster went through a load of information about the school, stuff that I already knew and didn't really care about so I started to text my 2 friends India and Lucy because I had nothing better to do. As the headmaster started to get closer to year 11 I started to feel relieved because then I would find out the new people which ones would be in my class. The headmaster said "alright for 11A there are only 2 new people they are" I didn't really care about that class so I didn't listen to what their names were "next is 11B... No one" I was so annoyed as I had just stayed through that whole assembly for nothing. I'm contemplating whether I want to know who the new people are in the years above but then I realise that I didn't really care and left the gym and headed back to where the drinks were.

Once I got home I started to think what I should wear on the first day of school. After a while I chose a pair of high waisted black shorts with a white and black striped collared T-shirt.

When Monday morning came around, I woke up and made and ate my breakfast. I straightened my hair and brushed my teeth. I wore the outfit I had prepared and paired it with my coral vans and my gold necklace.

Once I had arrived at school, I waited in the car for the a bit because I mean come on who wants to go to school! Anyway when I got my bag and lunch out of the car I headed into to school. That's when I saw all my class mates chilling outside the maths building. I said hey to them all and hugged most of them and then I saw Mia, (one of my good friends ;)) she looked at me and then said "Hey Emily!" We hugged and then just talked.

We saw a new kid but I knew that he wasn't someone in our class and that he was in one of the years above us. Mia, Chiara and I went up to him and said "Hey, what year are you in?" He replied by saying "year 12, so um what do I have to do?" That's when Mia (the expert ;)) told him the info "well when the bell rings we will all go sit on the rocks and they will tell us about new things that have happened and then they will go through the classes" I then interrupted and said "AND THEY SAY YO NAME!" Everyone started to laugh at me but I didn't mind because 1, I like to embarrass myself and 2, I thought I would make it less awkward. Well to be honest I think I made it more awkward because no one could top my amazing outburst!

As soon as everyone went silent the bell rang and everyone headed to the rocks. Once the new guy had walked ahead, we all looked at each other and laughed but also squealed a bit because there was a hot guy in our school... Finally!

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