Chapter 2

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Mia's POV

School has officially started and I'm not excited, I have no energy and it's boring. I'm at school and waiting for someone to arrive, there are loads of new kids and I want to talk to them but I need someone to be with me.


I don't know who he is, but I think I'm in love with him. He's wearing black skinny jeans, with a with shirt and vans. He's on his phone texting, I honestly didn't know that someone could look that good whilst texting...

I see Emily walking into school and Chiara behind. I go say hi and hug them, but really I can't get my mind off of that cute guy... He looks bored and lost, so I came up with an idea.

I start walking towards him with Emily and Chiara shaking because of my nerves, but its okay confidence is the key, just look like you know what you are doing. I look down at my outfit. To be nice to myself, lets just say I looked horrible. I looked underdressed for the first day of school in my black skinny jeans that had a hole in themat the knee, (no not on purpose, but because I fell over) and old t shirt that my sister gave me last year. Now that this guy is here, I should probably start wearing stuff to grab his attention...pshh who am I kidding, there is no way that's going to happen...

Now I'm stood one foot away from this guy. Shit. I take it back. I don't want to talk to him anymore. Emily and Chiara can talk to him.It's fine, I don't have a chance with him anyway. Just as I'm about to turn around and walk away, he looks up. Well, looks like I'm not getting out of this one. "Hey, what year are you in?" Emily asked.

"year 12, so um what do I have to do?" he asked. That's when a sudden influx of confidence goes through me,

"Well when the bell rings we will all go sit on the rocks and they will tell us about new things that have happened and then they will go through the classes,"

"AND THEY SAY YO NAME!" I look at Emily, who is stood there grinning. I just burst out laughing, as does everyone else. Ah Emily, you are my saviour, thank you for saving me from this awkward conversation...

As soon as we stop laughing, the bell rings and I get separated from Emily, Chiara and the nameless cute guy. I get to the top of the rock and see the other Emily. Yes there are two Emilys in my class and its not only confusing but annoying too. I start walking towards her to see that there is a tall, muscly, blond guy talking next to her. Great another cute guy :) We did the typical greeting hi and hugs. After thats over and done with, she introduces me to the guy, "Mia, this is Connor"

"Hi," he greets.

"Hey," wait... Connor and Emily kind of look the same, "has anyone ever told you guys that you look the same?"

"Nope, we just met yesterday. Our parents are friends," Emily replies

"Oh sweet. But seriously though, you guys could be twins. Wait! If you're not related, that means that you can date!" Their faces drop an Emily glares at me,but I continue anyway, " OOOO then you can get married and have kids... WAIT you can't have kids because then it would be like incest." If looks could kill, Emily would of put me 6 feet under... I just turn around and start scrolling though instagram to shut my self up before I make an even worse first impression to Connor. Three things pop into my head as I'm scrolling, 1) I clearly need to review the definition of incest 2) why am I so awkward? and 3) how come there are suddenly cute guys at school??

A loud voice pulls me out of my thoughts, "Right guys listen up! These are the classes.."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2015 ⏰

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