Chapter 19

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We had to leave Hawaii early because Mikayla got sick after eating one of the native foods. She insisted on leaving. I promised her we would come back one day, once the baby was old enough. It was a long flight home and I'm pretty sure Mikayla wasn't getting any better. I called the airport ahead and asked for a private jet. This way Mikayla could form one of the chairs into a makeshift bed while we flew back to the U.K. Once we boarded the plane, I put Mikayla in a chair and got her 5 blankets. Then I got her a small snack and something to drink. It was a good thing they had a TV on here. I watched TV while Mikayla slept.

"Harry..." Mikayla called from her chair weakly. I got up and knelt down next to her and took her hand in mine.

"What is it, love?" I asked.

"I'm cold." She replied while shaking. I nodded. I picked her up put of the chair and sat her on my lap. She was laid out on top of me and I held her close so she could be warm. She seamed really warm to be cold. It made me wonder if she running a fever. The attendant came by.

"Excuse me, do we have a first aid kit?" I asked.

"Yes sir we do." She said. The attendant came back with the kit. I opened it, being careful not to disturb Mikayla. Inside was some medicine and a thermometer. I took it out and gave it to Mikayla. She stuck it in her mouth until she heard the beep. I looked at the temperature, and it said 102.8 degrees. I opened up some Nyquil and gave it to her. She fell asleep ten minutes after she had it. I was sweltering under the blankets and her heat. After a couple of hours she cooled down. When she woke up she was feeling much better. Then she fell back asleep again. The plane landed and I did what I did when we got off the plane in Hawaii. Carried her home and let her sit on my lap for the ride home. I carried her up the stairs and into her bedroom. I let her sleep. While I went to sleep and told the other boys why we came home early. Then I called the doctor and asked him to get a check up. Tomorrow we had an appointment at 12 in the afternoon. I went upstairs and went to sleep.

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