Are you done yet?

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Here we are, sitting on the arena floor listening to the campers fight, again. "ENOUGH!!" I finally shout. "I told you from day one that you'll never be able to prank us unless you work together." I say, the entire camp hudles into a giant circle and starts discussing ideas.

"I'll challenge you, to another duel," Jacob said as he walked up.

     "What, you live by the motto 'fall seven times stand up eight?'" I said. He looked confused at me, "Whatever, sure let's go. Right here right now." I reply.

"I get to choose your weapon though," Jacob said.
       "Alrighty then, pick away."

"Your bare hands," was his choice. I raise an eyebrow and look him dead in the eye.

     "Your kidding right?"

    "Why would I be kidding?" My entire team scrambled away and the camp followed suit.

Jacob took his sword out and took his fighting stance. I stood there in a relaxed pose with my hands in my pockets.

He runs at me and swings in a large arc that should've cut me in half, if I was even there. POOF! Jacob looked around wildly for me. "Hahaha" my childish like laugh rang through the arena without a source.

I jumped from the ledge I was crouching on and landed eerily quiet behind him. "Jacob-!" My foot slammed into his back that sent him sprawling across the ground. His sword flew to my team where they held on to it. He turned around and got into a fighting stance.

He threw a punch at me and struck me right in the chest. I stood there and took the hit, which was more like a leaf hitting me. His punch was weak! I swept his feet from underneath him and sent him to the ground again. I grabbed his foot and swung him around; once, twice, three times and let go where he promptly slammed into the wall with a huge thud.

An Ares camper comes at me, he ends up with the same result. The entire camp rushes me. My team stays back, they know how I deal with large crowds, and it ain't pretty.

I jump up into the air with a cobalt blue light radiating off of me. I bring my hands to my chest and open my eyes. They turn completely sea green and I shoot a beam of water at the entire camp. Dousing them from head to toe in a matter of seconds.

The aphrodite kids run off screaming about their makeup and hair. The Hephaestus cabin runs off before the little machines in their pockets break. My team laughs at the camps stupidity as they get up covered in mud and water.

I fall back down to the ground. "I haven't seen you use that in a while," Luke says as he jogs up to me. Those were the last words I heard before I pass out, completely exhausted.

*Luke's pov*

"I haven't seen you do that in a while," I say when I jog up to Percy, oops sorry Zeta. Zeta then hits the ground. Panicked the entire team runs up and carries him to our 'cabin.'

We set him on his bed and did everything. We feed him soup, waved a bunch of chile's and jalapeño under his nose, even threw water on his face! So we had to do a last resort.

*Percy's pov*

I was having a lovely dream. It was kinda weird since I haven't had a pleasant dream in years. Scratch that, I haven't had any type of dream in years. I then felt water fall on my face. And then the stinging sensation of a hand smacking me across the face.

I shot up and punched the person closest to me. Which just happened to be Luke. "What is your problem!" He said from his position on the ground holding his nose.

     "Don't slap me!" I shouted back.

     "Are you ok?" Bianca asked me. I felt a throbbing pain in my head, like thousands of sledgehammers are hitting against my skull.

"Yah, I should be fine." I stood up and my vision blurred and I went light headed. I lost my balance and fell on top of Luke.

"Get off me you whale!" He yelled and started pounding on my back.

    B I stayed there and replied, "Nah, you're comfortable."

Knock knock knock. The sound rang throughout the house. I stood up and walked to the front door. I opened it to none other than Annabeth herself.

"Are you done yet?" I say as I look at her tattoo. "We shall get you back, Jackson." With that note, she stormed off to her cabin.

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