Winter birthdays were always the worst. As a child, I never got the chance to experience the fun of the a pool party, or even the joy of having my birthday near any major holiday. No, I was not a Christmas baby, or even a New Year's baby. I was a freaking early December baby.
December third, to be exact.
"Happy birthday, Adira," chirped Josh as I walked downstairs. I yawned, resting a hand on my big belly covered in Keon's shirt. Keon came trotting after me, his hair disheveled and eyes droopy. For the first time last night, we decided to share a bed together, cuddling awkwardly around my pregnant belly. Nothing had happened of course, Keon wasn't really the type, but it had been quite a fun night, snuggling together while the snowstorm raged outside.
That was the only perk to a December birthday, I supposed-- school had been cancelled the night before as snow and ice overtook the road like weeds in the summer. That was a post-plague thing-- we really didn't have enough workers in construction industry, although as more teenagers graduated high school the workforce was growing; likewise, at that point in time, there weren't enough workers to clear the road, so snow days were a frequent part of the winter. In my district, there were only a few every couple of weeks, but rumor had it that the Southern states essentially cancelled school December through February.
"Yeah, happy birthday sweetie," said Keon quietly. Shyly, he took my hand as we walked down the stairs, and I squeezed his back. Sitting down on the couch, I propped my feet up on the coffee table as I picked up the book I had been reading last night. It was our usual morning routine, when suddenly the front door burst open with a rush of cool air.
"What the--" dropping my book, I sat up to find Cally standing in the doorway, her brown hair dotted with white snowflakes. Her cheeks were red, but she had a huge grin on her face as she trotted into the mansion holding up a variety of paper bags.
"Happy birthday darling!" she screamed and I couldn't help but laugh. Only Cally would drive through a snowstorm to bring me presents. Standing up slowly, careful to mind my belly, I waddled over to where Cally was standing and helped her with her things. Josh chuckled from the kitchen, and emerged carrying a pink frosted cake. My heart quickened-- all this for me? Really?
Ushering me back to the living room, my boyfriend, husband, and best friend all crowded around me, even though I was a dork with messy hair who hadn't even brushed her teeth yet.
"Guys, you really didn't have to do all this..." I lied. In reality, my heart was bursting with joy as I saw all the trouble they had gone to. Secretly, I had spent the night worrying about today. As tradition, my mother used to always decorate the living room the night before my birthday, and shower me with all the gifts she could afford. Even during the plague, she managed to hang a few streamers and muster up some rationed sugar to put on a cup of pudding with a candle.
Josh rolled his eyes as Keon, as usual, blushed.
"Don't you lie, you love being treated like a princess," said Josh. Plopping down beside me, he kissed my neck, making me pull away with a laugh. Cally rolled her eyes and worked to light all the candles.
"Barf. Josh, you rich bastard, I don't know anyone who can afford to buy a cake from the store," said Cally. Keon and Josh shared a look.
"Well actually, Keon did all the baking, I just frosted it," said Josh. Wide eyed, I whipped around to see Keon with a big smile on his face.
"But you--"
"Are very sneaky and slipped back into bed while you were snoring this morning," said Keon. Playfully, I smacked him.
"I don't snore!" I screeched. Now done lighting the candles, Cally shushed me.
"Stop flirting Mrs. Player, and blow out your damn candles!" she said. Josh leapt up to turn off the lights, and once we were surrounded by darkness, bare the white snow-light coming in through the window, my three "family" members began singing an off-key Happy Birthday. Well, Josh and Cally sang, Keon sort of mumble-whispered the entire song.

The Player's Twins (Book Two of The Great Age Plague series)
Teen Fiction***Sequel to Forced to Have the Player's Kid** Living in a world ruled mostly by teenagers, sixteen year old Adira is pregnant, in love with two different men, and trying to cope with the idea of having twins. Now living in a mansion with two lover...