Chapter 4

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When Grover walked into our house I said, “The library is this way.”

Then walked ahead of everyone, opened the library door, and sat in my favorite chair. As soon as everyone was seated Jessica said, “Grover, what are you?”

We all looked at her in shock. What the heck was she thinking?!? You never ask what someone is! She should have learned that in the school.....

He just looked at her for a while then just started taking off his pants. Alison covered Melody’s eyes, and everyone looked away. He said, “Well, you can look now….” "DUDE!" Cody yelled.

When I turned to look, my jaw dropped. Why in HECK does he have goat legs! Now I know why Jessica said he was an experiment.

Breaking the silence Cody said, “Well, we have an extra room if you need it....” Cody just looked a Grover sadly, and finally said, “Wow…. What did they do to you?”

Grover was just looking at us weird. “What do you mean?” “Well, didn’t you escape from the “School”?” Jessica asked. Grover kept looking at us weirdly. He finally said, “I still don’t understand.”

We kept looking at him, while he kept looking at us. For what felt like hours, Alison broke the silence and said, “What are you then?”

He looked down at his feet (or Hooves) and slowly looked back at us. He said, “I’m a satyr. You know from the Greek Myths?”

I looked at him like he was crazy, and finally said, “Why are you here?”

He replied with, “I’m here to take you to camp.

Alison said, “What kind of camp?”

“Well, each of your parents is Greek gods, or Goddesses.” Grover replied.

“What is my parent/parents?”  Jessica asked.

Grover said, “It doesn’t work like that.”

“Then how does it work?” I asked.

“You need to come to camp, I’ll explain more there.” He said.

“Do we have to pack?” Cody said.

Grover replied, “Not really Camp is about half a mile away.”

I looked at Jessica and she looked at Cody, who looked at Alison. We all came to a silent agreement. Then Cody spoke for all of us and replied, “We’ll go, only to look and if we like it we’ll come back and pack up to live there permitaly.”

Then Grover said, “Ok, hurry up we need to leave.”

We all left Grover in the library ran up the stairs, to are rooms and started packing lightly. I fitted everything I needed in to one bag. I have almost always had this bag. I never seemed to fill up.

 I was half-way down the hall when I realized I forgot Mr. Scales. I walked back into my room, opened the cage, and grabbed the now sleeping snake.

 I placed him in my backpack. As I walked down the half for the second time I heard Melody crying. I walked into her room, and asked  her, “What’s the matter?”

She looked like she was thinking. And she gave me a weird face and finally said, “Sky, where my kitty?”

I looked at her and said, “Where did you put her?” She pointed at her bed.

I looked under it and said, “Found her!” She ran over to me grabbed it from under the bed “Fanks, Sky!” She shouted.

I picked some outfits for her put it in a Princess bag, gave it to her, and we walked down the stairs, holding my hand.

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