Chapter 9

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In the car with the other football managers blaring country music this is the life


I whipped around, punching a Soc in the face. He got up and lunged at me, but I simply shoved him off, kicking at his stomach. Another jumped on my back, and I thrashed wildly.

As I turned in anger, my wings slapped someone across the face, sending him sprawling across the clearing.

While I was busy attempting to get the Social off my back, another kicked me in the gut, and I groaned. He proceeded to punch me in the face, and I felt blood dripping down my nose. The man on my back had me in a choke hold, and I was busy fending the other off, so I couldn't get him off.

I was suffering a lack of oxygen - and I fell to my knees. There were three now. One choking me, the other two kicking away at my face and sides.

I looked up, and I saw something I never wanted to see. Jason had Johnny pinned down, stepping on his chest, with a threatening look on his face.

"Sorry assholes..." I wheezed out, "I got places t-to... be. You feel?" My wings flared out, and I reached out and grabbed their ankles, taking off into the air. I struggled with the weight, but I managed to get off the ground a few feet and drop the Socs onto their backs. I reached over my shoulder, grasping the man's shirt, and whipping him down on the ground.

I gasped, now able to breathe. I still had shit to take care of, though. With my wings tucked tightly to my body, I dove at Jason, tackling him away from Johnny.

"Now listen here you little shit-" I was cut off by a punch delivered to my gut. I growled, but I was shoved off of him. He scurried away and stood up, dusting his pants off. He looked me dead in the eyes and scowled as I stood up.

Blood drizzled from my nose, and I felt bruises on my chest, ribs, and face. Oh well. Tough shit. I spit blood out at his feet, grinning. "No talking? Well, this is gonna be a whole lot easier than I thought."

I circled him, my fists up, and delivered a fast punch to his jaw. He ducked, ramming his own fist into my chest. In return, I grabbed his arm, pulling him towards me and kneeing him in the gut. Jason pulled on my arm, making me loose my balance. He swiped at my legs, but I jumped up, staggering backwards.

He lunged at me, delivering a swift uppercut, which I gave him a broken nose for. His nose gushed blood, but he grinned.

"Why the hell are you smilin'?" I snapped, clenching my fists.

"It worked." He chortled, and quickly turned and made a run for it. I attempted to chase him, but two Socs stood in front of me. I punched one in the side of the face, and kicked him hard in the side. The other punched my ribs, snapping one or two, and I wheezed in pain, but I raised my leg, kicking him across the face. They both scrambled away, and Jason escaped.

I heard Darry yelling, and rage built up inside me. I was about to run after him, but I felt something dribble down my wing. I slowly looked over, and there was a giant gash on one; probably from when I tackled Jason.

I took a step forward, but fell to my knee, clenching my teeth. I collapsed, my vision going dark.

"Dallas, Johnny is gone!"

Whoops sorry for shortness.

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