6-Long Nights and Super Tights

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Price Of Love


"Wake up!" Someone shook me violently. I opened my eyes to my mom on top of me. My throat feeling dry and my lips cracked. I felt as if I was drenched in hot water. I tried to remember what had happened, but I could only grasp a few bits.

Evan carried me to my room, placing me on my bed and then leaving. I fell asleep shortly after, hungry. That was all I could remember.

"Ella, are you alright?" Mom asks, panting. I nod, fearing to answer with nothing coming out. Mom smiles in relief and places a cold cloth against my forehead.

"What time is it?" I ask, hoping I don't have to sleep any longer. Mom squints at her watch that dad gave her for their 11th anniversary.

She then responds, "4 in the morning."

"Good." I breath out a sigh and begin to sit up, but mom stops me.

"Lay back down, you aren't going to school." She sternly says and gets up from my bed. I listen and relax in my wet bed, pondering about last night and everything that confused me. I had never experienced any of this before, and I was scared.


"Someone is here!" Yelled mom from upstairs. I shoved the frying pan filled with grilled cheese away and walked over to the door. We never had any visitors, not even Allysa.

I swung the door open to find Addison, Gaby, and Allysa standing outside my door. I try to offer them a smile, but Addison hugs me too soon. "Whoops, sorry." Kids Addison as her arms retreat to her side.

Allysa sends a glare her way, but Addison seems to not notice. Gaby, between the three, was the calmest. Which wasn't new.

"So, what are you guys doing here?" I question, they look at one another, before Addison speaks first.

"I wanted to thank you for covering me last night, I owe ya," Addison responds with a wink. This makes Allysa roll her eyes. I nod and look at Allysa for an explanation.

Allysa shoots Addison another glare before she speaks, "I wanted to see if you got my text."

I shake my head and stifle a laugh, why would Allysa come if it had nothing to do with her? What should I expect from Allysa? She hasn't changed.

"I came because of Allysa, plus I wanted to know why you left so early," Gaby responds honestly, showing no expressions.

I smile at the three of them before coming to the realization that none of them were at school.

"I am making grilled cheese, would you guys like to come in?" I offer, hoping they would leave me alone and go back to school. It's not that I don't like their company, I just don't want it.

"I am not going in if she is going in." Declares Allysa, seeming sassier than ever. Addison doesn't look fazed by Allysa's remarks.

"I'd love to, but I really got to go." Gaby starts walking off. Allysa follows suite.

Addison turns to me once Gaby's convertible pulls away, "So, is the grilled-cheese good?"

"You betcha," I mumble and invite her inside.


"So, you were Brad Stevens' girl?" Addison wonders, possibly even doubting it. I wouldn't believe it either. Then again, it was almost like it never happened so I could have been imagining it.

"Yep," I say, crossing my legs upon the couch. It seemed as if she wanted me to continue on, until she said, "So ask something about me!"

I shrug and went for the easiest question that came to mind, "What is your favorite color?"

"Red," Addison answers and then asks me the same question. I respond, "Yellow."

"Why yellow?" Addison asks, her eyebrows furrowing. It was as if she was thinking of an explanation herself. This leads me to think that she is neurotic.

"It was Brad's," I tell her.

Addison gives me a smile, before switching topics. "Could we watch a movie?"

"Sure," I smile, happy to know that she was uncomfortable as I was about talking about Brad. I let Addison go through all of my movies, and trust me, we have a lot of them. Finally, she picks of my favorite movies of all time; No Reservations (2007).

"This is my favorite movie, if we are talking about romance!" Addison squeals as she cuddles up next to me. I let her share an old blanket my grandmother knitted for me, and we watched the movie in silence.

In the middle of the movie, Addison whispers, "I knew we'd be great friends when I bumped into you at that gathering."

"Me too," I whisper back, though it was a lie. Being friends with Addison will only cause drama with Allysa. And that is possibly the last thing I will ever want to do.

A/N: Hey there, how was your Thanksgiving break? I am feeling quite in the mood to post a chapter, so here you go! If I truly feel like it, you will end up seeing another chapter soon.

My amazing best friend: emilyemeigh is a talented writer and amazing fanfiction author. Feel free to follow her as well and/or request for a beautiful cover made by her! You shan't regret it!

My great friend: rattroh is an awesome writer and is full of imagination! Follow her, read her non-stop updates, and suck on dem lolly pops ;)

Stay Pricey~ K

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