Fantastic Four

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The sun starts to shine threw the vents. I walk around and continue to clean while the turtles play. I eventually make it at least suitable to live in.

Is this really going to be my life?

I sigh and suddenly step on something hard and flat. I look down to see some sort of book. I pick it up and wipe the dust off.

It's a dark blue color and titled The History of Renaissance Art in gold . I open the book to a number of pictures of paintings and Italian artist.

I sit down on the floor and start reading the book. At least an hour pasts then I hear foot steps in the distance.

I put the book down and hesitantly peek around the entrance of the subway station. I wait for the right moment and jump out in front of the intruder.

"Ahh!" Nichole screams jumping back.

"Nichole, it's you," I say loosening my battle stance.

"Yeah it's me," she replies," don't do that again."

"Sorry, I thought you were intruder," I explain.

"Its fine," she says with a smile," here I brought you something."

She holds out a medium sized card board box. I grab the box and bring it inside.

"I brought you some food and..." before she finishes I open the box to see the picture of me ,Tang Shen, and Miwa mixed in with some other of my belongings.

"Thank you, Nichole," I say picking up the picture.

"Your welcome, I thought you would like to hold on to them," she says.

She walks over to the turtles and smiles at them.

"Hey there, boys ," she says to them. They all smile back at her and giggle.

"Have you named them,yet," she says looking back at me.

"Huh?" I respond.

"Have you named them," she asks again more clearly. I think for a second.

"I haven't thought to name them," I answer with a slight smile.

"You have to name them, they're like babies," she replies.

I glance over the renaissance book and smile.

"I think I know just what to name them."

I walk over to the turtles and pick them up one by one.






A/N: hello people :D  thx for reading. Again so sorry for the shortness. I'll make my next part longer. Scouts honour *

I hope you liked it give me your  thoughts and comments of what you thought about it. Ok that's all for know

ttyl :)

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