The elemental masters

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"Well, the elemental masters were like us,very normal people but they had much stronger powers and kept the world in balance, but one day a dark figure, umm kinda like the one we saw in our dreams, appeared, no one knows where he came from, he had a power no one has ever had before he could absorb the soul of anyone and have their power, he couldn't defeat the masters though, and one day in a battle between masters and the dark figure, all of them was gone and none of them has been seen again." Explained Luna
"Ohhhh." Everyone said
"Wait, hold on you guys saw Zenith the dark figure in your dreams?" Asked principle Newman
"Yes, sir and he had my brother." Said Andy
"That might mean you guys are elemental masters." Exclaimed Mr. Fin
"Wait, what!?" Said the kids in surprise
"Cool, but what elements are we?" Asked Darick
"Well let's see...ahh Luna you are Earth, Sapphire is fire,Darick is wind,and Andy you are water. Explained the nurse
"Oh and to help you guys control your magic you need to find elemental spirits." Said Mr. Fin
"What are elemental spirits?" Asked Andy
"They are the spirits that helped the masters train and control their powers." Explained Luna
"Oh, thanks Luna." Thanked Andy
"That's right and they took shape as animals on Earth, for water find an Otter, for fire find a Fox, for Earth find a Deer,and for air find an Eagal, but they must turn into a spirit of light to know it is an elemental spirit hiding its form." Explained Principle Newman.

Authors note: please ideas if you have any I'd love to include them if possible, and thanks for reading <3.

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